

The JESD204 and the JESD204B revision data converter serial interface standard was created through the JEDEC committee to standardize and reduce the number of data inputs/outputs between high-speed data converters and other devices, such as FPGAs (field-programmable gate arrays). Fewer interconnects simplifies layout and allows smaller form factor realization without impacting overall system performance. These attributes are important to address the system size and cost constraints of a range of high speed ADC applications, including wireless infrastructure (GSM, EDGE, W-CDMA, LTE, CDMA2000, WiMAX, TD-SCDMA) transceiver architectures, software-defined radios, portable instrumentation, medical ultrasound equipment, and Mil/Aero applications such as radar and secure communications. Analog Devices is an original participating member of the JEDEC JESD204 standards committee and we have concurrently developed compliant data converter technology and tools, and a comprehensive product roadmap to fully enable our customers to take advantage of this significant interfacing breakthrough.

JESD204 Interface Framework

Analog Devices’ JESD204 Interface Framework is a system-level software and HDL package targeted at simplifying system development by providing a performance optimized IP framework that integrates complex hardware such as high speed converters, transceivers and clocks with various FPGA platforms.

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JESD204 Interface Framework

JESD204 関連製品

JESD204インターフェース 高速A/Dコンバータ & IF/RF レシーバ (22)

JESD204インターフェース 高速D/Aコンバータ (14)

JESD204インターフェース RF トランシーバ



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