

采用2mm × 2mm FCQFN封装的5V、4A同步降压稳压器





  • 高效率:12mΩ NMOS, 34mΩ PMOS
  • 峰值电流模式控制
    • 27ns 最低开启时间
    • 宽带宽,快速瞬态响应
  • 低纹波 Burst Mode® 运行,IQ 为 80μA
  • 工作频率达 6 MHz
  • 安全承受过载电感饱和
  • VIN 范围:2.25V 至 5.5V
  • 固定 VOUT 范围:0.5V 至 3.65V,出厂设置为 50mV 步进
  • VOUT 精度:过温度范围内的精度为 ±1%
  • 精密 400 mV 启用阈值
  • 关断电流:1μA
  • 电源正常、内部补偿和软启动
  • 耐热性能增强型、12 引脚、2mm × 2mm 倒装芯片 (FCQFN) 封装,侧面可润湿侧翼
  • AEC-Q100 适用于汽车应用
采用2mm × 2mm FCQFN封装的5V、4A同步降压稳压器
LTC3303 Application Circuit LTC3303 Performance Graph
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LTspice 1


  • LTC3303A
  • LTC3303A-05
  • LTC3303C
  • LTC3303C-05



eval board

FPGA-based 8x GMSL to 10 Gb Ethernet Adapter


  • Edge compute platform for machine vision and real-time sensor fusion for autonomous robots and vehicles applications
  • 8 x GMSL2 camera interfaces with up to 6 Gbps/channel
  • 10 Gbps SFP+ Ethernet interface
  • IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol for synchronization with host systems and other edge devices
  • Advanced embedded processing capabilities
  • ROS2 compliant
  • Advanced camera triggering functions and control features
  • Open-source software stack and FPGA design to enable custom applications development


The AD-GMSL2ETH-SL is an edge compute platform enabling low-latency data transfer from eight Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link™ (GMSL) interfaces on to a 10 Gb Ethernet link. The target applications include autonomous robots and vehicles where machine vision and real-time sensor fusion is critical.

The system includes two MAX96724 Quad Tunneling GMSL2/1 to CSI-2 Deserializers, enabling connectivity to eight GMSL cameras. The video data from the cameras is transferred from the MAX96724 deserializers via MIPI CSI2 interfaces to an AMD KV26 System on Module which implements the logic to aggregate the video data from all the GMSL cameras into a 10 Gb Ethernet link, so that it can be sent to a central processing unit.

The IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) with hardware timestamping is supported, enabling accurate synchronization with host systems and other edge devices. The AD9545 Quad Input, 10-Output, Dual DPLL/IEEE 1588, 1 pps Synchronizer and Jitter Cleaner is used to generate the required clocks for the 10 Gb Ethernet interface and the PTP logic.

A software networking stack can be used to realize the communication over the 10 Gb Ethernet link. Since the system runs Linux tools like gstreamer can be used to send the video data to a host and remote connection into the system is possible via ssh. The software network stack has limitations in terms of the maximum achievable transfer rate, and for this reason there is also the option to have an FPGA accelerated UDP or TCP implementation with Real Time Transfer (RTP) protocol for data packetization, which can get up to the maximum achievable data rate on the 10 Gb ethernet interface.

Accurate camera triggering control is achieved through dedicated FPGA logic, with configurable frequency and phase as well as selecting the trigger source between the internal logic and external signals.

Sixteen (16) general purpose I/O pins are available with software configurable functionality, operating at 3.3 V voltage level. A RS232 dedicated interface can be used to connect UART peripherals such as GNSS devices.

The design is accompanied by an open-source software stack and FPGA design, and reference applications, enabling custom software development to start from a proven implementation.


  • Autonomous robots and vehicles

eval board

GMSL Carrier Board


  • GMSL2 prototyping system supporting the NVIDIA Jetson™ SoCs
  • On-board MAX96724 that allows 4x GMSL2/1 camera inputs that allows for camera module bring-up, debug, and video streaming
  • On-board MAX96717 that can be used for camera emulation and head-unit debug
  • Enables development of GMSL applications with NVIDIA Jetson™ SoC
  • SAMTEC connector that allows connection of any GMSL DPHY EV Kit to the NVIDIA Jetson™
  • Additional inputs: USB, Ethernet, PCIe, and microSD card


The AD-GMSL522-SL is a GMSL-enabled NVIDIA Jetson Xavier™ NX-based carrier board and software solution that allows for simple camera to display conversion. This solution creates a scalable, user friendly, GMSL platform for receiving and transmitting data over a gigabit multimedia serial link (GMSL). The platform enables demonstrations and ecosystem development by serving as a hardware platform for software development.

The AD-GMSL522-SL supports two forms of camera input -- either straight CSI data coming through a SAMTEC connector, or via camera modules using GMSL2 or GMSL1 technology to connect to the on-board MAX96724 via COAX connectors. GMSL evaluation kits or any camera utilizing the standard 15- or 22-pin Raspberry Pi connector can be connected here using the AD-GMSLCAMRPI-SL adapter board.

The AD-GMSL522-SL package includes software tools to enable customers in their development of GMSL applications. Among these tools are modified L4T kernels that support certain camera modules and documentation that allows any user to update these kernels for their specific hardware needs.

The design incorporates the MAX96724GTN/VY+ Quad tunneling GMSL2/1 to CSI-2 deserializer and MAX96717GTJ/VY+ CSI-2 to GMSL2 serializer and provides a reliable platform to evaluate high-bandwidth GMSL.


  • ADAS Camera Solutions
  • Sensor Fusion ECU
  • Driver and Occupant Monitoring
  • In-cabin Infotainment

eval board

评估一款采用 2mm × 2mm SWF FCQFN 封装的 3.3V 至 1.2V (4A) 2MHz 同步降压型稳压器 LTC3303A


  • LTC3303A 评估板
  • 包含用于负载瞬态评估的瞬态电路
  • 包含 EMI 滤波器,以降低 EMI 发射测试中的噪声


演示电路 DC3252A 采用 LTC3303A 5V、4A 同步降压型 Silent Switcher,作为 2MHz 3.3V 至 1.2V、4A 降压稳压器工作。LTC3303A 支持 0.5V 至 VIN 的可调输出电压。LTC3303A 是一款紧凑型、高效率、高速同步单片式降压型开关稳压器。凭借 27ns 的最短接通时间,能够实现高 VIN 到低 VOUT 的转换。

DC3252A 的可选工作模式包括 Burst Mode、跳跃 (PS) 或强制连续 (FC) 模式。将 JP1 设置到 SKIP 位置还允许 LTC3303A 同步到 1.6MHz 至 2.4MHz 的时钟频率。与外部时钟同步时,LTC3303A 以强制连续模式运行。DC3252A 还具有 EMI 滤波器,可降低传导 EMI。通过在 VIN EMI 端子上施加输入电压可包含该 EMI 滤波器。有关板的 EMI 性能,请参阅“EMI 测试结果”部分。EMI 性能图中的红线表示传导型和辐射型发射测试的 CISPR25 5 级峰值限值。

LTC3303A 数据手册提供了完整的套件、运行和应用信息说明。LTC3303A 的完整规格可在 ADI 公司提供的 LTC3303A 数据手册中找到,使用 DC3252A 评估板时,必须结合用户指南进行查阅。LTC3303A 采用 2mm × 2mm FCQFN 封装,具有支持目视焊接检测的可润湿侧翼 (SWF)。数据手册的“低 EMI PCB 布局”部分中提供了用于实现低 EMI 运行和最大热性能的布局建议。

FPGA-based 8x GMSL to 10 Gb Ethernet Adapter
AD-GMSL2ETH-SL Board Photo Angle View AD-GMSL2ETH-SL Board Photo Top View AD-GMSL2ETH-SL Board Photo Bottom View AD-GMSL2ETH-SL Block Diagram
GMSL Carrier Board
AD-GMSL522-SL Board Photo Angle View AD-GMSL522-SL Board Photo Top View AD-GMSL522-SL Board Photo Bottom View AD-GMSL522-SL Block Diagram
评估一款采用 2mm × 2mm SWF FCQFN 封装的 3.3V 至 1.2V (4A) 2MHz 同步降压型稳压器 LTC3303A
DC3252A Evaluation Board DC3252A Evaluation Board - Top View DC3252A Evaluation Board - Bottom View


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