








  • 12 ビット SAR ADC
    • 8 チャンネルのシングルエンド・アナログ入力
    • アナログ入力範囲: 0 V~2.5 V
  • 12 ビットの温度/デジタル・コンバータを内蔵
    • 温度センサー精度: ±1°C (typ)
  • チャンネル・シーケンサ動作
  • VDD= 2.8 V~3.6 V で仕様を規定
  • ロジック電圧 VDRIVE: 1.65 V~3.6 V
  • 内蔵リファレンス電圧: 2.5 V
  • 詳細はデータシートを参照


  • AD7291-EPのデータシート(英語pdf)はこちらからダウンロードできます。
  • ミリタリ温度範囲:−55°C ~+125°C
  • 製造ベースラインにて制御
  • 組み立て/テストは同一工場
  • 製造工場は一箇所に限定
  • PCN(製品変更通知)を強化
  • 品質データは要求に応じて入手可能
  • DSCC図面番号:V62/17610
AD7291-fbl AD7291 Pin Configuration










製品モデル 製品ライフサイクル 詳細
シャント型電圧リファレンス 1
AD780 製造中 2.5V/3.0V電圧リファレンス、超高精度
シリーズ電圧リファレンス 4
AD1582 製造中 2.5V電圧リファレンス、マイクロパワー、高精度、直列モード
ADR391 製造中 電圧リファレンス、2.5V、高精度、マイクロパワー、低ノイズ、シャットダウン機能付
ADR441 製造中 電圧リファレンス、出力電圧2.5V、LDO型 XFET®、超低ノイズ、電流シンク / ソース機能付き
ADR431 製造中 電圧リファレンス、超低ノイズ、XFET®、電流シンク / ソース機能付き
計装アンプ / インスツルメンテーションアンプ 1
AD8420 新規設計に推奨 計装アンプ、広い電源範囲、マイクロ・パワー、レールTOレール
高精度オペアンプ (Vos<1mV & TCVos<2uV/C) 1
AD8606 製造中 オペアンプ、デュアル、高精度、ローノイズ、入 / 出力レールtoレール、CMOS
高電圧アンプ ≧ ±12V 1
AD8022 製造中 オペアンプ、デュアル、ローノイズ、高速
低ノイズ・アンプ(≦10nV/√Hz) 1
AD8692 製造中 オペアンプ、低価格、高性能、単電源、CMOS
汎用オペアンプ 1
ADA4692-2 製造中 低消費電力の3.6MHz、低ノイズ、レールtoレール出力オペアンプ
Modal heading




eval board

AD9364 Wideband Software Defined Radio Board


  • Software tunable across wide frequency range (70 MHz to 6.0 GHz) with a channel bandwidth of <200 kHz to 56 MHz
  • Phase and frequency synchronization on both transmit and receive paths
  • Powered from single FMC connector


The AD-FMCOMMS4-EBZ provides software developers and system architect with a single 1 x 1 transceiver platform that can be software-configured for wideband tuning as well as narrowband RF performance.

In the wideband configuration, the AD-FMCOMMS4-EBZ will operate over the full 70 MHz to 6 GHz tuning range of the AD9364, however, the RF performance expectations of this configuration must be tempered with the very wide band front end. It will meet the AD9364 datasheet specifications at 2.4 GHz, but does not over the entire RF tuning range that the board can support. Typical performance data for the platform’s entire tuning range is published within the board documentation. This configuration is primarily intended for system investigation and bringing up various waveforms from a software team before custom hardware is complete. The objective being for designers to see waveforms, but not being concerned about the last 1dB or 1% EVM of performance.

The AD-FMCOMMS4-EBZ can also be user-configured for optimum performance in the 2400 – 2500 MHz band. In this configuration it may exhibit diminished RF performance on tuned frequencies or programmed configurations, outside of this band. This configuration is primarily intended to provide RF engineers with the ability to connect the AD9364 to an RF test bench (Vector Signal Analyzer, Signal generator, etc.) and achieve its optimum performance. The AD-FMCOMMS4-EBZ is a high-speed 1 x 1 agile RF transceiver analog FMC module software-tunable over the 56 MHz to 6 GHz band.

eval board

Direct RF to Baseband Transmit Radio


  • TX
    • 16-bit 12GSPS RFDAC
    • JESD204B Interface
      • 8 lanes up to 12.5Gbps
    • 1x/2x/4x/6x/8x/12x/16x/24x/32x Interpolation
    • 64-bit NCO at max rate
    • Analog Modes of Operation:
      • Normal Mode: 6GSPS DAC rate
        • Synthesis up to 2.5GHz (1st Nyquist)
      • Mix Mode: 6GSPS DAC rate
        • Synthesis in 2nd & 3rd Nyquist zones
      • 2X Normal Mode: 12GSPS DAC rate
        • Synthesis up to 6GHz (1st Nyquist)
      • Excellent dynamic performance
  • RX
    • 3.2GHz full power bandwidth at 2.5GSPS
      • Noise Density = -149.5dBFs/Hz, ENOB = 9.5 bits
      • SFDR = 77 dBc at 1GHz Ain (2.5Gsps)
      • SFDR = 77dBc at 1.8GHz Ain (2.5Gsps)
    • +/-0.3 LSB DNL, +/-1.0 LSB INL
    • Dual supplies : 1.3V and 2.5V
    • 8 or 6 Lane JESD204B Outputs
    • Programmable clipping threshold for Fast Detect output
    • Two Integrated wide band digital down converters (DDC) per channel
      • 10-bit complex NCO
      • 2 cascaded half band filters (dec/8, dec/16)
    • Timestamp for synchronous processing alignment
      • SYSREF Setup/Hold detector
    • Programmable Interrupt (IRQ) event monitor


The AD-FMComms11-EBZ board is a system platform board for communication infrastructure applications that demonstrates the Direct to RF (DRF) transmitter and observation receiver architecture. Using high sample rate RFDAC(s) and RFADC(s), a number of components in previous generation transmitters can be eliminated, such as mixers, modulators, IF amplifiers and filters. The objective being to bring the ADC or DAC as close to the antenna as possible, leading to possibly more cost effective and efficient communications solution.

It is composed of multi-GSPS RF ADC and DAC, AD9625 and AD9162 respectively. The transmit path contains a balun, low pass filter, gain block and variable attenuation to produce an output appropriate for a power amplifier module. Along the observation path, the PA output is coupled back into the board through a variable attenuator, a balun and finally the ADC. Clock management is taken care of on board; all the necessary clocks are generated from a reference. Power management is present as well.

eval board

ADRV9008/ADRV9009 評価用ボード


  • フル機能の評価用無線カード
    • ADRV9009-W/PCBZ: ADRV9009 評価用キット(デュアル RF Rx/Tx/Orx 評価用ボード)
    • ADRV9008-1W/PCBZ: ADRV9008-1 評価用キット(デュアル RF Rx 評価用ボード)
    • ADRV9008-2W/PCBZ: ADRV9008-2 評価用キット(デュアル RF Tx/Orx 評価用ボード)
  • 周波数範囲 75 MHz ~ 6 GHz の広帯域 RF 動作
  • 高効率電源ソリューションとクロッキング・ソリューションを内蔵
  • Xilinx マザーボード(EVAL-TPG-ZYNQ3)への FMC コネクタ
  • 1 つの FMC コネクタから給電
  • 回路図、レイアウト、部品表、HDL、ドライバ、アプリケーション・ソフトウェアを含む


ADRV9009-W/PCBZ は、最も広い帯域幅で最高性能の統合型 RF トランシーバー ADRV9009 をご紹介するために設計された無線カードです。この無線カードは、無線ソリューションのデバイス評価とラピッド・プロトタイピング用のシングル 2 × 2 トランシーバー・プラットフォームを提供します。高効率スイッチャのみの電源ソリューションや高性能クロッキング・ソリューションなど、この無線カードの動作に必要なペリフェラルはすべてボードに搭載されています。ADRV9009-W/PCBZ は、デュアル・レシーバー、オブザベーション・レシーバー付きデュアル・トランスミッタのシングルチップ TDD ソリューションです。

ADRV9009-W/PCBZ は、75 MHz ~ 6 GHz という広いチューニング範囲で動作しますが、RF 性能は非常に広帯域のフロント・エンド・マッチングによって調整されます。このボードは主に、カスタム・ハードウェア完成前にシステム・チェックを行い、ソフトウェア・チームが各種波形の生成を行うことを目的としています。目的はあくまで設計者が波形を確認することであり、性能面で 1 dB や 1% の EVM の違いを最終調整することではありません。

ADRV9008-1W/PCBZ は、ADRV9008-1 をご紹介するための評価用キットで、75 MHz ~ 6 GHz のチューニング範囲で動作するデュアル・レシーバーを搭載しています。ADRV9008-2W/PCBZ は、ADRV9008-2 をご紹介するための評価用キットで、75 MHz ~ 6 GHz のチューニング範囲で動作するオブザベーション・レシーバー付きデュアル・トランスミッタを搭載しています。



キャリア・ボード ソフトウェア & ドライバ
評価プラットフォーム 評価ソフトウェア:
  • APIライブラリ
  • 設定およびデータ・キャプチャ用のWindows GUI


  • オープンソースLinuxドライバ
  • データ・キャプチャ用のオープンソースLinux IIOスコープ
  • GNU Radioと互換性あり
  • アナログ・デバイセズのJESD204Bインターフェース・フレームワークを使用してGitHubに公開されているリファレンス設計

eval board

AD9361 広帯域ソフトウェア無線基板


  • 200 kHz 未満から 56 MHz までのチャンネル帯域幅に対応し、広い周波数範囲(70 MHz ~ 6.0 GHz)でソフトウェアによるチューニングが可能
  • 送信経路と受信経路での位相および周波数同期
  • 高いチャンネル密度
  • 1 個の FMC コネクタから給電
  • MIMO 無線に対応。ADC と DAC の両方で 1 未満サンプリング同期
  • 回路図、レイアウト、部品表、HDL、Linux ドライバ、アプリケーション・ソフトウェア
  • スペクトラム固有の設計が可能なアドオン・カードに対応(PA、LNAなど)


AD-FMCOMMS3-EBZ は、3G / 4G 基地局や試験装置アプリケーション、ソフトウェア無線など、RF アプリケーションを想定した高性能、高集積化 RF トランシーバー AD9361 をベースに開発された高速アナログ・モジュールです。そのプログラマビリティと広帯域により、幅広いトランシーバー・アプリケーションに最適です。RF フロント・エンドに柔軟なミックスド・シグナル・ベースバンド・セクションや内蔵の周波数シンセサイザを組み合わせ、プロセッサや FPGA との設定可能なデジタル・インターフェースを提供することにより、設計を簡素化します。AD9361は 70 MHz ~ 6 GHz の範囲で動作し、ほとんどの認可帯域と無認可帯域をカバーします。サンプル・レート、デジタル・フィルタ、デシメーションを変更することにより、200 kHz 未満から 56 MHz までのチャンネル帯域幅に対応します。すべて、AD9361 内でプログラム可能です。

AD-FMCOMMS3-EBZ は、AD-FMCOMMS2-EBZ よりも広いチューニング範囲で単一プラットフォームを使用したいソフトウェア開発者やシステム設計者に最適です。この基板は RF 性能だけを追求するものではなく、超広帯域フロント・エンドが大きな特長です。データシートの仕様は2.4 GHz で満たしますが、これは基板で対応できる RF チューニング範囲の全体ではありません。プラットフォームで対応する範囲全体(70 MHz ~ 6 GHz)の一般的な性能データは、基板の文書に記載されています。この基板は主にシステム調査を目的としており、ソフトウェア・チームからさまざまな波形を収集してからカスタム・ハードウェアを完成させるときに活躍します。設計者の目的は波形を確認することにあり、性能の最後の 1 dB または 1% EVM まで追求するわけではありません。性能重視のプラットフォームについては、 AD-FMCOMMS2-EBZ を参照してください。

eval board

AD9361 Software Defined Radio Board (2.4GHz Optimized)


  • Software tunable across wide frequency range (70 MHz to 6.0 GHz) with a channel bandwidth of <200 kHz to 56 MHz.
  • Phase and frequency synchronization on both transmit and receive paths
  • Performance optimized for the narrowband range of 2.4GHz to 2.5GHz


The AD-FMCOMMS2-EBZ is a high-speed analog module designed to showcase the AD9361, a high performance, highly integrated RF transceiver intended for use in RF applications, such as 3G and 4G base station and test equipment applications, and software defined radios. Its programmability and wideband capability make it ideal for a broad range of transceiver applications. The device combines an RF front end with a flexible mixed-signal baseband section and integrated frequency synthesizers, simplifying design-in by providing a configurable digital interface to a processor or FPGA. The AD9361 chip operates in the 70 MHz to 6 GHz range, covering most licensed and unlicensed bands. The AD-FMCOMMS2-EBZ board comes specifically tuned and optimized to 2.4 GHz and due to the limitations of the on-board discrete external components, it may exhibit diminished RF performance on some other programmed configurations. The chip supports channel bandwidths from less than 200 kHz to 56 MHz by changing sample rate, digital filters, and decimation, all programmable within the AD9361 itself.

The AD-FMCOMMS2-EBZ provides RF engineers the ability to connect the AD9361 to a RF testbench (Vector Signal Analyzer, Signal generator, etc) and measure performance. The external components (which can easily be swapped) on the AD-FMCOMMS2-EBZ have a narrower RF tuning range 2400 – 2500 MHz. It is expected that most engineers will change these external components (pin for pin replacements from various vendors are available) for their specific application/frequency of interest. Anyone interested in a wider tuning range board should look at the AD-FMCOMMS3-EBZ.


AD7291 Evaluation Board


The EVAL-AD7291SDZ is a fully featured evaluation board for the AD7291. This board operates in stand alone mode or in conjunction with the System Development Platform, EVAL-SDP-CB1Z . When operated with the System Development Platform software is provided enabling the user to perform detailed analysis of the ADC's performance. When operated in standalone mode the ADZS-BRKOUT-EX3 break out board is recommended for access to various control pins.

eval board

ADA4961 & AD9680 Analog Signal Chain Evaluation and AD9528 Converter Synchronization


  • Four channels of 1.0 GSPS conversion utilizing JESD204B high speed serial interface
  • Driver amplifier interface with 21dB voltage gain adjustment
  • Optional on-board or external clocking
  • Specific design and I/O added for multi-board synchronization


The AD-FMCADC4-EBZ is a high speed 4-channel data acquisition board featuring two AD9680 dual channel ADC at 1000 MSPS and four ADA4961 low distortion, 3.2 GHz, RF DGA driving each converter. The FMC form factor supports the JESD204B high speed serial interface. All clocking and channel synchronization is support on-board using the AD9528 clock generator. This product is designed for sampling wide bandwidth analog signals up to the second Nyquist zone. The combination of wide input bandwidth, high sampling rate, and excellent linearity of the AD9680 is ideally suited for spectrum analyzers, data acquisition systems, and a wide assortment of military electronics applications, such as radar and jamming/anti-jamming measures.

The board meets most of the FMC specifications in terms of mechanical size, mounting hole locations, and more. Although this board does meet most of the FMC specifications, it’s not meant as a commercial off the shelf (COTS) board. If you want a commercial, ready to integrate product, please refer to one of the many FMC manufacturers and the FMC specification (ANSI/VITA 57.1).

This board is targeted to use the ADI reference designs that work with Xilinx development systems. ADI provides complete source (HDL and software) to re-create those projects (minus the IP provided by the FPGA vendors, which we use), but may not provide enough info to port this to your custom platform.

The design of the board is specifically tailored to synchronizing multiple AD-FMCADC4-EBZ boards together. For more information on synchronization please refer to A Test Method for Synchronizing Multiple GSPS Converters. The reference design includes the device data capture via the JESD204B serial interface and the SPI interface. The samples are written to the external DDR-DRAM. It allows programming the device and monitoring its internal registers via SPI.

eval board

FMC X-Microwave対応のレベル変換器および電源キット


  • FMC対応のフォーム・ファクタ
  • FMCコネクタから給電、外部電源も使用可能
  • レベル変換と各種電源電圧を提供
  • RaspberryPi X-MWコントローラに適合 





  • RFおよびマイクロ波の設計
  • 電圧レベル変換
  • 汎用ソフトウェア無線
  • レーダー・システム
  • ポイントtoポイント通信システム
  • 多重入力/多重出力(MIMO)無線
  • ATE(自動試験装置)

eval board

ADL5567 & AD9625 Analog Signal Chain Evaluation and ADF4355-2 Wideband Synthesizer with VCO


  • Single channel of 2.5 GSPS conversion utilizing JESD204B high speed serial interface
  • Driver amplifier interface with 20dB voltage gain adjustment
  • On-board PLL and VCO setup for clocking or external clocking
  • True DC coupled input and analog input frontend to the ADC, BW = DC to 1.8GHz
  • 製品詳細

    The AD-FMCADC7-EBZ is a single channel high speed data acquisition board featuring the AD9625 12bit, ADC sampling at 2500 MSPS and a ADL5567 low distortion, 4.8 GHz, differential amplifier driving the converter. The FMC form factor supports the JESD204B high speed serial interface. All clocking is supported using the on-board ADF4355-2 wideband PLL with VCO. This product is designed for sampling wide bandwidth analog signals from DC to 1.8GHz. The combination of wide input bandwidth, high sampling rate, and excellent linearity of the AD9625 is ideally suited for spectrum analyzers, data acquisition systems, and a wide assortment of military electronics applications.

    The board meets most of the FMC specifications in terms of mechanical size, mounting hole locations, and more. Although this board does meet most of the FMC specifications, it’s not meant as a commercial off the shelf (COTS) board. If you want a commercial, ready to integrate product, please refer to one of the many FMC manufacturers and the FMC specification (ANSI/VITA 57.1).

    This board is targeted to use the ADI reference designs that work with Xilinx development systems. ADI provides complete source (HDL and software) to re-create those projects (minus the IP provided by the FPGA vendors, which we use), but may not provide enough info to port this to your custom platform.

    The design of the board is specifically tailored to allow for true DC coupling on the analog input of the amplifier throughout the signal chain to the converter. Yielding the widest spectrum possible for the AD-FMCADC7-EBZ.

    The reference design includes the device data capture via the JESD204B serial interface and the SPI interface. The samples are written to the external DDR-DRAM. It allows programming the device and monitoring it’s internal registers via SPI.

    eval board

    GMSL Carrier Board


    • GMSL2 prototyping system supporting the NVIDIA Jetson™ SoCs
    • On-board MAX96724 that allows 4x GMSL2/1 camera inputs that allows for camera module bring-up, debug, and video streaming
    • On-board MAX96717 that can be used for camera emulation and head-unit debug
    • Enables development of GMSL applications with NVIDIA Jetson™ SoC
    • SAMTEC connector that allows connection of any GMSL DPHY EV Kit to the NVIDIA Jetson™
    • Additional inputs: USB, Ethernet, PCIe, and microSD card


    The AD-GMSL522-SL is a GMSL-enabled NVIDIA Jetson Xavier™ NX-based carrier board and software solution that allows for simple camera to display conversion. This solution creates a scalable, user friendly, GMSL platform for receiving and transmitting data over a gigabit multimedia serial link (GMSL). The platform enables demonstrations and ecosystem development by serving as a hardware platform for software development.

    The AD-GMSL522-SL supports two forms of camera input -- either straight CSI data coming through a SAMTEC connector, or via camera modules using GMSL2 or GMSL1 technology to connect to the on-board MAX96724 via COAX connectors. GMSL evaluation kits or any camera utilizing the standard 15- or 22-pin Raspberry Pi connector can be connected here using the AD-GMSLCAMRPI-SL adapter board.

    The AD-GMSL522-SL package includes software tools to enable customers in their development of GMSL applications. Among these tools are modified L4T kernels that support certain camera modules and documentation that allows any user to update these kernels for their specific hardware needs.

    The design incorporates the MAX96724GTN/VY+ Quad tunneling GMSL2/1 to CSI-2 deserializer and MAX96717GTJ/VY+ CSI-2 to GMSL2 serializer and provides a reliable platform to evaluate high-bandwidth GMSL.

    There are two system options available for purchase: the AD-GMSL522-SL which is the base carrier board and does not include the NVIDIA SoM, and the AD-GMSL522-SOM-SL which is the carrier board including the NVIDIA Jetson Xavier™ NX SoM.


    • ADAS Camera Solutions
    • Sensor Fusion ECU
    • Driver and Occupant Monitoring
    • In-cabin Infotainment

    AD9364 Wideband Software Defined Radio Board
    AD-FMCOMMS4-EBZ Evaluation Board AD-FMCOMMS4-EBZ Evaluation Board - Bottom View AD-FMCOMMS4-EBZ Evaluation Board - Top View
    Direct RF to Baseband Transmit Radio
    AD-FMCOMMS11-EBZ Block Diagram AD-FMCOMMS11-EBZ Evaluation Board AD-FMCOMMS11-EBZ Evaluation Board - Top View AD-FMCOMMS11-EBZ Evaluation Board - Bottom View
    ADRV9008/ADRV9009 評価用ボード
    AD9361 広帯域ソフトウェア無線基板
    AD-FMCOMMS3-EBZ Evaluation Board AD-FMCOMMS3-EBZ Evaluation Board - Bottom View AD-FMCOMMS3-EBZ Evaluation Board - Top View
    AD9361 Software Defined Radio Board (2.4GHz Optimized)
    AD-FMCOMMS2-EBZ Block Diagram AD-FMCOMMS2-EBZ Evaluation Board AD-FMCOMMS2-EBZ Evaluation Board - Top View AD-FMCOMMS2-EBZ Evaluation Board - Bottom View
    AD7291 Evaluation Board
    ADA4961 & AD9680 Analog Signal Chain Evaluation and AD9528 Converter Synchronization
    AD-FMCADC4-EBZ Evaluation Board (top) AD-FMCADC4-EBZ Evaluation Board (bottom)
    FMC X-Microwave対応のレベル変換器および電源キット
    AD-FMCXMWBR1-EBZ FMC X-Microwave Protoplate Board AD-FMCXMWBR1-EBZ-KIT
    ADL5567 & AD9625 Analog Signal Chain Evaluation and ADF4355-2 Wideband Synthesizer with VCO
    AD-FMCADC7-Front AD-FMCADC7-Back AD-FMCADC7-Combined
    GMSL Carrier Board
    AD-GMSL522-SL Board Photo Angle View AD-GMSL522-SL Board Photo Top View AD-GMSL522-SL Board Photo Bottom View AD-GMSL522-SL Block Diagram

