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Automotive interfaces deliver sound and data throughout the car to combine connectivity with mobility. ADI’s portfolio of automotive interface products encompass communication signaling that utilizes both the CAN (controller area network) protocol and A2B® (Automotive Audio Bus®) technology. Isolated CAN with iCoupler® digital isolation features integrated isoPower® and signal-only transceivers in an SOIC form factor or a complete galvanically isolated µModule® (micromodule) transceiver—both with options that support CAN FD (flexible data rate). ADI’s A2B-enabled digital audio systems distribute high fidelity audio along with control data, clock, and power over a single, unshielded, low cost twisted-pair wire. The A2B automotive interface delivers high fidelity audio while significantly reducing the weight of existing cable harnesses for improved vehicle fuel efficiency and a better, greener, more dynamic automotive experience. A2B devices meet all relevant automotive interface ESD, EMI, and EMC requirements, and are fully AEC-Q100 qualified.
Automotive interfaces deliver sound and data throughout the car to combine connectivity with mobility. ADI’s portfolio of automotive interface products encompass communication signaling that utilizes both the CAN (controller area network) protocol and A2B® (Automotive Audio Bus®) technology. Isolated CAN with iCoupler® digital isolation features integrated isoPower® and signal-only transceivers in an SOIC form factor or a complete galvanically isolated µModule® (micromodule) transceiver—both with options that support CAN FD (flexible data rate). ADI’s A2B-enabled digital audio systems distribute high fidelity audio along with control data, clock, and power over a single, unshielded, low cost twisted-pair wire. The A2B automotive interface delivers high fidelity audio while significantly reducing the weight of existing cable harnesses for improved vehicle fuel efficiency and a better, greener, more dynamic automotive experience. A2B devices meet all relevant automotive interface ESD, EMI, and EMC requirements, and are fully AEC-Q100 qualified.


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Analog Devices (ADI)’s automotive Ethernet connectivity solutions facilitate seamless connectivity to vehicle edge nodes, supplanting legacy low data rate protocols such as controller area network (CAN) and local interconnect network (LIN) interfaces. Our automotive Ethernet transceivers offer an advanced feature set and software designed to support diverse automotive applications, such as internal and external lighting, body and chassis domain control, in-vehicle networking and sensor actuator networking.

As automotive design evolves toward zonal architectures and software-defined vehicles, ADI’s next-generation Ethernet connectivity solutions are helping to drive this industry transformation. Our robust portfolio of 10BASE-T1S solutions includes Ethernet to Edge Bus (E2B™) transceivers that enable microcontroller-free edge nodes for deterministic low latency applications, as well as fully compliant MACPHY solutions.
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ADI非隔离式控制器局域网(CAN)收发器提供数据链路层、硬件协议(例如内嵌入部分ADI Blackfin®处理器中)与CAN总线的物理走线之间的差分物理层接口。ADI产品组合包括集成iCoupler®和isoPower®隔离的收发器,提供完全隔离式现成CAN PHY。
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ADI隔离式控制器局域网(CAN)收发器提供数据链路层、硬件协议(例如内嵌入部分ADI Blackfin®处理器中)与CAN总线的物理走线之间的差分物理层接口。ADI产品组合包括集成iCoupler®和isoPower®隔离的收发器,提供完全隔离式现成CAN PHY。
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ADI车用音频总线(A2B®)技术向未来的车辆信息娱乐系统提供关键支持。由于布线重量减少75%,我们的A2B产品可提供高保真音频,同时提高燃油效率。A2B产品系列可实现语音识别和主动降噪等多种应用。A2B是一种单主机、多从机系统,主控制器中的收发器芯片用作主机。 应用: • 音频ECU连接 • 免提麦克风阵列 • 车内通信 • 主动降噪