

Dual 13A or Single 26A μModule (Power Module) Regulator with Digital Power System Management

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Part Details

  • Dual, Fast, Analog Loops with Digital Interface for Control and Monitoring
  • Wide Input Voltage Range: 4.5V to 26.5V
  • Output Voltage Range: 0.5V to 5.4V (4V on VOUT0)
  • ±1% Maximum DC Output Error Over Temperature
  • ±2.5% Current Readback Accuracy at 10A Load
  • 400kHz PMBus-Compliant I2C Serial Interface
  • Integrated 16-Bit ΔΣ ADC
  • Constant Frequency Current Mode Control
  • Parallel and Current Share Multiple Modules
  • 16 Slave Addresses; Rail/Global Addressing
  • 16mm × 16mm × 5.01mm BGA Package
Readable Data:
  • Input and Output Voltages, Currents, and Temperatures
  • Running Peak Values, Uptime, Faults and Warnings
  • Onboard EEPROM Fault Log Record
Writable Data and Configurable Parameters:
  • Output Voltage, Voltage Sequencing and Margining
  • Digital Soft-Start/Stop Ramp
  • OV/UV/OT, UVLO, Frequency and Phasing

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Dual 13A or Single 26A μModule Regulator with Digital Power System Management

Dual 13A or Single 26A μModule (Power Module) Regulator with Digital Power System Management
Dual 13A μModule Regulator with Digital Interface for Control and Monitoring* Using PMBus and LTpowerPlay to Monitor Telemetry and Margin VOUT0/VOUT1 During Load Pattern Tests. 10Hz Polling Rate. 12VIN Using PMBus and LTpowerPlay to Monitor Telemetry and Margin VOUT0/VOUT1 During Load Pattern Tests. 10Hz Polling Rate. 12VIN Using PMBus and LTpowerPlay to Monitor Telemetry and Margin VOUT0/VOUT1 During Load Pattern Tests. 10Hz Polling Rate. 12VIN Using PMBus and LTpowerPlay to Monitor Telemetry and Margin VOUT0/VOUT1 During Load Pattern Tests. 10Hz Polling Rate. 12VIN Product Package 1
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Software Resources

Hardware Ecosystem

Parts Product Life Cycle Description
µModule Buck Regulators 2
LTM4620A PRODUCTION Dual 13A or Single 26A DC/DC μModule (Power Module) Regulator
LTM4630 RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS Dual 18A or Single 36A DC/DC μModule (Power Module) Regulator
Digital Power System Managers 1
LTC2977 RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS 8-Channel PMBus Power System Manager Featuring Accurate Output Voltage Measurement
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Tools & Simulations

LTspice 7

Models for the following parts are available in LTspice:

  • LTM4676
  • LTM4676A

Linduino 4

LTpowerCAD 5


LTspice® is a powerful, fast and free simulation software, schematic capture and waveform viewer with enhancements and models for improving the simulation of analog circuits.


LTpowerCAD® is a power supply design program which selects power stage components, provides detailed power efficiency, shows quick loop Bode plot stability and load transient analysis, and can export to LTspice for simulation.

Evaluation Kits

eval board

LTM4676 Demo Board | Buck µModule, 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 16V, VOUT = 1V @ 26A

Product Details

Demonstration circuit 2087A is a single-output, high efficiency, high density, μModule® regulator with 4.5V to 16V input range. It can supply 26A maximum load current. The demo board has a LTM4676 μModule regulator, which is a dual 13A or single 26A step-down regulator with PMBus power system management. Please see LTM4676 data sheet for more detailed information.


eval board

LTM4676 with DC1613A Demo Kit | LTM4676 (DC1811) with USB-to-PMBus Adapter (DC1613A)

Product Details

Demonstration circuit 1811B-A is a dual-output, high efficiency, high density, μModule® regulator with 4.5V to 26.5V input range. Each output can supply 13A maximum load current. The demo board has a LTM4676 μModule regulator, which is a dual 13A or single 26A step-down regulator with PMBus power system management. Please see LTM4676 data sheet for more detailed information.


eval board

LTM4676 Plug-In Demo Board | 1.5" × 1.2" with Edge Connector, Dual 13A Buck μModule with PMBus, 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 26.5V, VOUT0 = 1V @ 13A, VOUT1 = 1.8V @ 13A

Product Details

Demonstration circuit 2269A-A is a dual-output, high efficiency, high density, μModule® supply on a small 1.5" × 1.2" PCB board with 4.5V to 26.5V input range. Each output can supply 13A maximum load current. The demo board has a LTM4676 μModule regulator, which is a dual 13A or single 26A step-down regulator with PMBus power system management. The DC2269A can be easily inserted to an edge connector for testing and debugging. It has an optional input filter inductor (L1) to further reduce input ripple EMI noise.

LTM4676 Demo Board | Buck µModule, 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 16V, VOUT = 1V @ 26A
DC2087A - Schematic
LTM4676 with DC1613A Demo Kit | LTM4676 (DC1811) with USB-to-PMBus Adapter (DC1613A)
DC1811B - Schematic
LTM4676 Plug-In Demo Board | 1.5" × 1.2" with Edge Connector, Dual 13A Buck μModule with PMBus, 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 26.5V, VOUT0 = 1V @ 13A, VOUT1 = 1.8V @ 13A
DC2269A - Schematic

Reference Designs

Arria 10 SoC - Top View
Altera Arria 10 SoC Development Kit Circuits from the lab

Features and Benefits

  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
Altera Arria 10 SoC Development Kit
Arria 10 SoC - Top View
Arria 10 SoC - Bottom View
Arria 10 Soc Dev Kit Block Diagram
Arria 10 SoC Power Tree

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