

18-Bit, 100 kSPS PulSAR ADCs in MSOP/LFCSP

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Part Models 4
1ku List Price Starting From $9.60
  • High performance
    • True differential analog input voltage range: ±VREF
      • 0 V to VREF with VREF between 2.4 V and 5.1 V
    • Throughput: 500 kSPS/100 kSPS options
      • Zero latency architecture
    • 18-bit resolution with no missing codes
    • INL: ±1 LSB typical, ±2 LSB maximum
    • Dynamic range: 99 dB at VREF = 5 V
    • SNR: 98 dB at fIN = 1 kHz, VREF = 5 V
    • THD: −119 dB at fIN = 1 kHz, VREF = 5 V
    • SINAD: 97 dB at fIN = 1 kHz, VREF = 5 V
  • Low power dissipation
    • Single-supply 2.5 V operation with 1.8 V, 2.5 V, 3 V, and 5 V logic interface
    • 400 μW at 100 kSPS (VDD only)
      700 μW at 100 kSPS (total)
    • 70 μW at 10 kSPS
  • Proprietary serial interface SPI-/QSPI™-/MICROWIRE™-/DSP-compatible
  • 10-lead MSOP and 3 mm × 3 mm 10-Lead LFCSP
  • Wide operating temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
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The AD7989-1/AD7989-5 are 18-bit, successive approximation, analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) that operate from a single power supply, VDD. The AD7989-1/AD7989-5 contain a low power, high speed, 18-bit sampling ADC and a versatile serial interface port. On the CNV rising edge, the AD7989-1/AD7989-5 sample the voltage difference between the IN+ and IN− pins. The voltages on these pins typically swing in opposite phases between 0 V and VREF. The reference voltage, VREF, is applied externally and can be set independent of the supply voltage, VDD. Its power scales linearly with throughput.

The AD7989-1/AD7989-5 are serial peripheral interface (SPI)-compatible, which features the ability, using the SDI/CS input, to daisy-chain several ADCs on a single 3-wire bus. The AD7989-1/AD7989-5 are compatible with 1.8 V, 2.5 V, 3 V, and 5 V logic, using the separate VIO supply.

The AD7989-1/AD7989-5 are available in a 10-lead MSOP or a 10-lead LFCSP with operation specified from −40°C to +85°C.


  • Automated test equipment
  • Data acquisition systems
  • Medical instruments
  • Machine automation
Part Models 4
1ku List Price Starting From $9.60

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Product Lifecycle


Dec 8, 2014

- 14_0071

Addition of STATS ChipPAC China as an Alternate Assembly Site for Select 3x3mm LFCSP Products

Mar 8, 2016

- 15_0176

Assembly Transfer of Select 8/10L MSOP Products to Amkor Philippines

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Dec 8, 2014

- 14_0071

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Addition of STATS ChipPAC China as an Alternate Assembly Site for Select 3x3mm LFCSP Products

Mar 8, 2016

- 15_0176

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Assembly Transfer of Select 8/10L MSOP Products to Amkor Philippines

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Evaluation Kits 1

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AD7989-1/AD7989-5 Evaluation Board



AD7989-1/AD7989-5 Evaluation Board

AD7989-1/AD7989-5 Evaluation Board

Product Detail


The EVAL-AD7989-5SDZ is a fully featured evaluation kit for the AD7989-1 and AD7989-5. This board operates in stand alone mode or in conjunction with the System Development Platform, EVAL-SDP-CB1Z . When operated with the System Development Platform software is provided enabling the user to perform detailed analysis of the ADC's performance. This software includes the technical note describing the operation and set up of the evaluation board in standalone operation or when operated with the System Development Platform . When operated in standalone mode the ADZS-BRKOUT-EX3 break out board is recommended for access to various control pins.

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