Magnetic Field Sensors
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Magnetic Field Sensors

Magnetic field sensors are devices that detect and measure magnetic fields around permanent magnets, current conductors, and electrical devices. As the world becomes increasingly electrified, demand for improved positional and current sensing has grown in turn. ADI MagIC+™ breakthrough multiturn sensing technology operates with zero-power enabling more space-efficient solutions and ADI MagIC+™ magnetic field sensors create more accurate solutions. Analog Devices’ Magneto Resistive Sensing Technologies, signal conditioning capabilities, and deep domain expertise are enabling new, innovative, and high-performance sensing solutions for both position and current measurements across a broad range of applications and markets.
Magnetic field sensors are devices that detect and measure magnetic fields around permanent magnets, current conductors, and electrical devices. As the world becomes increasingly electrified, demand for improved positional and current sensing has grown in turn. ADI MagIC+™ breakthrough multiturn sensing technology operates with zero-power enabling more space-efficient solutions and ADI MagIC+™ magnetic field sensors create more accurate solutions. Analog Devices’ Magneto Resistive Sensing Technologies, signal conditioning capabilities, and deep domain expertise are enabling new, innovative, and high-performance sensing solutions for both position and current measurements across a broad range of applications and markets.


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如果我们有能力实现无电源解决方案会怎样呢?这并不矛盾,但也可能是“魔法”。ADI MagIC+正在模糊我们以前认为磁场传感器领域可能达到的界限。

Visit the ADMT4000 product page to download the datasheet, explore the supporting design resources and order an evaluation kit.

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ADI MagIC+多圈传感器

ADI MagIC+产品组合提供独特的真正通电多圈技术,可以在无需电源或接触的情况下跟踪磁铁的旋转。对于需要在缺乏电源的情况下测量电机旋转的应用来说,该产品免去了备用电池、线性传感器或装置的必要。系统优势包括无需归零和校准,从而可以减少工厂停机时间和降低成本,或者通过单芯片解决方案提供强大的安全功能。

ADI MagIC+多圈传感器

ADI MagIC+产品组合提供独特的真正通电多圈技术,可以在无需电源或接触的情况下跟踪磁铁的旋转。对于需要在缺乏电源的情况下测量电机旋转的应用来说,该产品免去了备用电池、线性传感器或装置的必要。系统优势包括无需归零和校准,从而可以减少工厂停机时间和降低成本,或者通过单芯片解决方案提供强大的安全功能。