DS2482 I2C 1-Wire®マスタの使用方法

DS2482 I2C 1-Wire®マスタの使用方法



DS2482は、I2Cから1-Wireへのブリッジです。DS2482によって、I2C通信を備えたあらゆるホストは、正しく計時されスルー制御された1-Wire信号波形を生成することができます。このアプリケーションノートはI2C 1-WireラインドライバDS2482のユーザガイドであり、1-Wireマスタの一般オペレーションのための通信セッションを詳細に説明します。




Figure 1. Simplified illustration of DS2482 function as a bridge for I2C communication and a 1-Wire network.

図1. I2C通信および1-WireネットワークのブリッジとしてのDS2482機能の簡易図





表1. 1-Wireの基本オペレーション
Operation Description
OWReset Sends the 1-Wire reset stimulus and check for the presence pulse of 1-Wire slave devices.
OWWriteBit/OWReadBit Sends to or receives from the 1-Wire network a single bit of data.
OWWriteByte/OWReadByte Sends to or receives from the 1-Wire network a single byte of data.
OWBlock Sends to and receives from the 1-Wire network multiple bytes of data.
OWSearch Performs the 1-Wire Search Algorithm (see application note 187).
msDelay Delays at least the specified number of milliseconds. Used for timing strong pullup operations.


1-Wireデバイスは通常、1-Wireネットワークから、一部またはすべての動作エネルギーを得ます。ただし、デバイスによっては、プロトコルの特定の箇所でさらなる給電を必要とするものもあります。たとえば、温度の変換やセキュアハッシュアルゴリズム(SHA-1)ハッシュの計算を必要とするデバイスがあります。この作業を行うための電力は、1-Wireネットワーク上により大きなストロングプルアップを設けることによって供給されます。この給電中に通常の通信を行うことはできません。DS2482は、Strong Pullup (SPU)フラグをセットして電力を供給します。フラグをセットすることで、1-Wire通信の次のバイト/ビットの後でストロングプルアップが発行されます。DS2482-100およびDS2482-101には、予備である大きな電流によるストロングプルアップを制御する外部ピン(PCTLZ)もあります。


表2. 1-Wireの拡張オペレーション
Operation Description
OWSpeed Sets the 1-Wire communication speed, either standard or overdrive. Note that this only changes the communication speed of the 1-Wire master; the 1-Wire slave device must be instructed to make the switch when going from normal to overdrive. The 1-Wire slave will always revert to standard speed when it encounters a standard-speed 1-Wire reset.
OWLevel Sets the 1-Wire power level (normal or power delivery).
OWReadBitPower Reads a single bit of data from the 1-Wire network and optionally applies power delivery immediately after the bit is complete.
OWWriteBytePower Sends a single byte of data to the 1-Wire network and applies power delivery immediately after the byte is complete.



表3. ホストに必要なI2Cオペレーション
Operation Description
I2C_start I2C start command.
I2C_rep_start I2C repeated start command.
I2C_stop I2C stop command.
I2C_write Writes a byte to the I2C bus. The byte to write is passed to the function.
I2C_read Reads a byte from the I2C bus. The byte read is returned from the function.


1-Wireオペレーションを試す前に、ホストはDS2482のI2C 1-Wireラインドライバをセットアップして、このドライバと同期をとる必要があります。DS2482と通信するには、スレーブアドレスを知る必要があります。図2に、DS2482-100、DS2482-101、およびDS2482-800のスレーブアドレスを示します。

Figure 2. DS2482 I2C slave addresses.

図2. DS2482のI2Cのスレーブアドレス



Symbol Description
S START Condition
AD, 0 Select DS2482 for Write Access
AD, 1 Select DS2482 for Read Access
Sr Repeated START Condition
P STOP Condition
A Acknowledged
A\ Not acknowledged
(Idle) Bus not busy
<byte> Transfer of one byte
DRST Command 'Device Reset', F0h
WCFG Command 'Write Configuration', D2h
CHSL Command 'Channel Select', C3h (DS2482-800 only)
SRP Command 'Set Read Pointer', E1h
1WRS Command '1-Wire Reset', B4h
1WWB Command '1-Wire Write Byte', A5h
1WRB Command '1-Wire Read Byte', 96h
1WSB Command '1-Wire Single Bit', 87h
1WT Command '1-Wire Triplet', 78h


Master-to-Slave Slave-to-Master






// DS2482 state
unsigned char I2C_address;
int c1WS, cSPU, cPPM, cAPU;
int short_detected;

// DS2428 Detect routine that sets the I2C address and then performs a
// device reset followed by writing the configuration byte to default values:
//   1-Wire speed (c1WS) = standard (0)
//   Strong pullup (cSPU) = off (0)
//   Presence pulse masking (cPPM) = off (0)
//   Active pullup (cAPU) = on (CONFIG_APU = 0x01)
// Returns: TRUE if device was detected and written
//          FALSE device not detected or failure to write configuration byte
int DS2482_detect(unsigned char addr)
   // set global address
   I2C_address = addr;

   // reset the DS2482 ON selected address
   if (!DS2482_reset())
      return FALSE;

   // default configuration
   c1WS = FALSE;
   cSPU = FALSE;
   cPPM = FALSE;

   // write the default configuration setup
   if (!DS2482_write_config(c1WS | cSPU | cPPM | cAPU))
      return FALSE;

   return TRUE;

例1. DS2482の検出



Figure 3. Device reset after power-up. This example includes an optional read access to verify the success of the command.

図3. パワーアップ後のデバイスリセット。この例には、コマンドの成功を検証するための読出しアクセスがオプションで含まれています。

// Perform a device reset on the DS2482
// Returns: TRUE if device was reset
//          FALSE device not detected or failure to perform reset
int DS2482_reset()
   unsigned char status;

   // Device Reset
   //   S AD,0 [A] DRST [A] Sr AD,1 [A] [SS] A\ P
   //  [] indicates from slave
   //  SS status byte to read to verify state

   I2C_write(I2C_address | I2C_WRITE, EXPECT_ACK);
   I2C_write(I2C_address | I2C_READ, EXPECT_ACK);
   status = I2C_read(NACK);

   // check for failure due to incorrect read back of status
   return ((status & 0xF7) == 0x10);

例2. デバイスリセットのコード



Figure 4. Write configuration register. This example includes an optional read to verify the success of the command.

図4. Write Configurationレジスタ。この例にはコマンドの成功を検証するための読み出しがオプションで含まれています。

// Write the configuration register in the DS2482. The configuration
// options are provided in the lower nibble of the provided config byte.
// The uppper nibble in bitwise inverted when written to the DS2482.
// Returns:  TRUE: config written and response correct
//           FALSE: response incorrect
int DS2482_write_config(unsigned char config)
   unsigned char read_config;

   // Write configuration (Case A)
   //   S AD,0 [A] WCFG [A] CF [A] Sr AD,1 [A] [CF] A\ P
   //  [] indicates from slave
   //  CF configuration byte to write

   I2C_write(I2C_address | I2C_WRITE, EXPECT_ACK);
   I2C_write(config | (~config << 4), EXPECT_ACK);
   I2C_write(I2C_address | I2C_READ, EXPECT_ACK);
   read_config = I2C_read(NACK);

   // check for failure due to incorrect read back
   if (config != read_config)
      // handle error
      // ...

      return FALSE;

   return TRUE;

例3. DS2482の書き込み構成



Figure 5. Write Channel Selection register. This example includes an optional read to verify the success of the command.

図5. Write Channel Selectionレジスタ。この例にはコマンドの成功を検証するための読み出しがオプションで含まれています。

// Select the 1-Wire channel on a DS2482-800.
// Returns: TRUE if channel selected
//          FALSE device not detected or failure to perform select
int DS2482_channel_select(int channel)
   unsigned char ch, ch_read, check;

   // Channel Select (Case A)
   //   S AD,0 [A] CHSL [A] CC [A] Sr AD,1 [A] [RR] A\ P
   //  [] indicates from slave
   //  CC channel value
   //  RR channel read back

   I2C_write(I2C_address | I2C_WRITE, EXPECT_ACK);

   switch (channel)
      default: case 0: ch = 0xF0; ch_read = 0xB8; break;
      case 1: ch = 0xE1; ch_read = 0xB1; break;
      case 2: ch = 0xD2; ch_read = 0xAA; break;
      case 3: ch = 0xC3; ch_read = 0xA3; break;
      case 4: ch = 0xB4; ch_read = 0x9C; break;
      case 5: ch = 0xA5; ch_read = 0x95; break;
      case 6: ch = 0x96; ch_read = 0x8E; break;
      case 7: ch = 0x87; ch_read = 0x87; break;

   I2C_write(ch, EXPECT_ACK);
   I2C_write(I2C_address | I2C_READ, EXPECT_ACK);
   check = I2C_read(NACK);

   // check for failure due to incorrect read back of channel
   return (check == ch_read);

例4. DS2482-800チャネルセレクト



1-Wire Resetコマンド(B4h)は、1-Wireネットワークにて1-Wireリセットを、1-Wireデバイスプレゼンスパルスのサンプルを生成します。このサンプルのステータスはステータスレジスタ内のPresence-Pulse Detect (PPD)およびShort Detected (SD)フィールドで、レポートされます。図6は1-Wire ResetコマンドのI2C通信を示します。例5はCのプレゼンスパルスのためにチェックされた送信コマンドとステータスレジスタを示します。

Figure 6. 1-Wire reset. Begins or ends 1-Wire communication. 1-Wire Idle (1WB = 0), Busy polling until the 1-Wire command is completed, then read the result.

図6. 1-Wireリセット。1-Wire通信を開始または終了します。1-Wire Idle (1WB = 0)、1-Wireコマンドが終了するまでビジーポーリング、その後に結果を読み出します。

// Reset all of the devices on the 1-Wire Net and return the result.
// Returns: TRUE(1):  presence pulse(s) detected, device(s) reset
//          FALSE(0): no presence pulses detected
int OWReset(void)
   unsigned char status;
   int poll_count = 0;

   // 1-Wire reset (Case B)
   //   S AD,0 [A] 1WRS [A] Sr AD,1 [A] [Status] A [Status] A\ P
   //                                   \--------/
   //                       Repeat until 1WB bit has changed to 0
   //  [] indicates from slave

   I2C_write(I2C_address | I2C_WRITE, EXPECT_ACK);
   I2C_write(CMD_1WRS, EXPECT_ACK);
   I2C_write(I2C_address | I2C_READ, EXPECT_ACK);

   // loop checking 1WB bit for completion of 1-Wire operation
   // abort if poll limit reached
   status = I2C_read(ACK);
      status = I2C_read(status & STATUS_1WB);
   while ((status & STATUS_1WB) && (poll_count++ < POLL_LIMIT));


   // check for failure due to poll limit reached
   if (poll_count >= POLL_LIMIT)
      // handle error
      // ...
      return FALSE;

   // check for short condition
   if (status & STATUS_SD)
      short_detected = TRUE;
      short_detected = FALSE;

   // check for presence detect
   if (status & STATUS_PPD)
      return TRUE;
      return FALSE;

例5. OWResetコード



Figure 7. 1-Wire Single Bit. Generates a single time slot on the 1-Wire line. When 1WB has changed from 1 to 0, the Status register holds the valid result of the 1-Wire Single Bit command.

図7. 1-Wire Single Bit。1-Wireライン上でシングルタイムスロットを生成します。1WBが1から0に変わると、Statusレジスタは1-Wireシングルビットコマンドの有効結果を保持します。

Figure 8. 1-Wire Single Bit. Generates a single time slot on the 1-Wire line.

図8. 1-Wireシングルデータバイト

// Send 1 bit of communication to the 1-Wire Net.
// The parameter 'sendbit' least significant bit is used.
// 'sendbit' - 1 bit to send (least significant byte)
void OWWriteBit(unsigned char sendbit)

// Reads 1 bit of communication from the 1-Wire Net and returns the
// result
// Returns:  1 bit read from 1-Wire Net
unsigned char OWReadBit(void)
   return OWTouchBit(0x01);

// Send 1 bit of communication to the 1-Wire Net and return the
// result 1 bit read from the 1-Wire Net. The parameter 'sendbit'
// least significant bit is used and the least significant bit
// of the result is the return bit.
// 'sendbit' - the least significant bit is the bit to send
// Returns: 0:   0 bit read from sendbit
//          1:   1 bit read from sendbit
unsigned char OWTouchBit(unsigned char sendbit)
   unsigned char status;
   int poll_count = 0;

   // 1-Wire bit (Case B)
   //   S AD,0 [A] 1WSB [A] BB [A] Sr AD,1 [A] [Status] A [Status] A\ P
   //                                          \--------/
   //                           Repeat until 1WB bit has changed to 0
   //  [] indicates from slave
   //  BB indicates byte containing bit value in msbit

   I2C_write(I2C_address | I2C_WRITE, EXPECT_ACK);
   I2C_write(CMD_1WSB, EXPECT_ACK);
   I2C_write(sendbit ? 0x80 : 0x00, EXPECT_ACK);
   I2C_write(I2C_address | I2C_READ, EXPECT_ACK);

   // loop checking 1WB bit for completion of 1-Wire operation
   // abort if poll limit reached
   status = I2C_read(ACK);
      status = I2C_read(status & STATUS_1WB);
   while ((status & STATUS_1WB) && (poll_count++ < POLL_LIMIT));


   // check for failure due to poll limit reached
   if (poll_count >= POLL_LIMIT)
      // handle error
      // ...
      return 0;

   // return bit state
   if (status & STATUS_SBR)
      return 1;
      return 0;

例6. 1-Wireシングルビットコード



Figure 9. 1-Wire Write Byte. Sends a command code to the 1-Wire line. When 1WB has changed from 1 to 0, the 1-Wire Write Byte command is completed.

図9. 1-Wire Write Byte。コマンドコードを1-Wireラインに送ります。1WBが1から0に変わると、1-Wire Write Byteコマンドが終了します。

// Send 8 bits of communication to the 1-Wire Net and verify that the
// 8 bits read from the 1-Wire Net are the same (write operation).
// The parameter 'sendbyte' least significant 8 bits are used.
// 'sendbyte' - 8 bits to send (least significant byte)
// Returns:  TRUE: bytes written and echo was the same
//           FALSE: echo was not the same
void OWWriteByte(unsigned char sendbyte)
   unsigned char status;
   int poll_count = 0;

   // 1-Wire Write Byte (Case B)
   //   S AD,0 [A] 1WWB [A] DD [A] Sr AD,1 [A] [Status] A [Status] A\ P
   //                                          \--------/
   //                             Repeat until 1WB bit has changed to 0
   //  [] indicates from slave
   //  DD data to write

   I2C_write(I2C_address | I2C_WRITE, EXPECT_ACK);
   I2C_write(CMD_1WWB, EXPECT_ACK);
   I2C_write(sendbyte, EXPECT_ACK);
   I2C_write(I2C_address | I2C_READ, EXPECT_ACK);

   // loop checking 1WB bit for completion of 1-Wire operation
   // abort if poll limit reached
   status = I2C_read(ACK);
      status = I2C_read(status & STATUS_1WB);
   while ((status & STATUS_1WB) && (poll_count++ < POLL_LIMIT));


   // check for failure due to poll limit reached
   if (poll_count >= POLL_LIMIT)
      // handle error
      // ...

例7. OWWriteByteコード


1-Wire読み込みバイトコマンド(96h)は1-Wireネットワークからシングルバイトを読み込みます。1-WireアクティビティはDS2482がこのコマンドを処理する前に終了している必要があります。図10はI2Cシーケンスを示します。1-Wire Read Byte Commandのコードは、コード例8にあります。1-Wireアクティビティは、終了し結果が返されたことを検証するために、読み込みバイトコマンドを発行した後にチェックされます。

Figure 10. 1-Wire Read Byte. Reads a byte from the 1-Wire line. Poll the Status register until the 1WB bit has changed from 1 to 0. Then set the read pointer to the Read Data register (code E1h) and access the device again to read the data byte obtained from the 1-Wire line.

図10. 1-Wire Read Byte。1-Wireネットワークからバイトを読み込みます。1WBビットが1から0に変わるまでStatusレジスタをポーリングします。その後、読み込みポインタをRead Dataレジスタ(コードE1h)に設定し、デバイスに再度アクセスして1-Wireネットワークから取得したデータバイトを読み出します。

// Send 8 bits of read communication to the 1-Wire Net and return the
// result 8 bits read from the 1-Wire Net.
// Returns:  8 bits read from 1-Wire Net
unsigned char OWReadByte(void)
   unsigned char data, status;
   int poll_count = 0;

   // 1-Wire Read Bytes (Case C)
   //   S AD,0 [A] 1WRB [A] Sr AD,1 [A] [Status] A [Status] A   //                                   \--------/
   //                     Repeat until 1WB bit has changed to 0
   //   Sr AD,0 [A] SRP [A] E1 [A] Sr AD,1 [A] DD A\ P
   //  [] indicates from slave
   //  DD data read

   I2C_write(I2C_address | I2C_WRITE, EXPECT_ACK);
   I2C_write(CMD_1WRB, EXPECT_ACK);
   I2C_write(I2C_address | I2C_READ, EXPECT_ACK);

   // loop checking 1WB bit for completion of 1-Wire operation
   // abort if poll limit reached
   status = I2C_read(ACK);
      status = I2C_read(status & STATUS_1WB);
   while ((status & STATUS_1WB) && (poll_count++ < POLL_LIMIT));

   // check for failure due to poll limit reached
   if (poll_count >= POLL_LIMIT)
      // handle error
      // ...
      return 0;

   I2C_write(I2C_address | I2C_WRITE, EXPECT_ACK);
   I2C_write(CMD_SRP, EXPECT_ACK);
   I2C_write(0xE1, EXPECT_ACK);
   I2C_write(I2C_address | I2C_READ, EXPECT_ACK);
   data =  I2C_read(NACK);

   return data;

例8. OWReadByteコード



// The 'OWBlock' transfers a block of data to and from the
// 1-Wire Net. The result is returned in the same buffer.
// 'tran_buf' - pointer to a block of unsigned
//              chars of length 'tran_len' that will be sent
//              to the 1-Wire Net
// 'tran_len' - length in bytes to transfer
void OWBlock(unsigned char *tran_buf, int tran_len)
   int i;

   for (i = 0; i < tran_len; i++)
      tran_buf[i] = OWTouchByte(tran_buf[i]);

// Send 8 bits of communication to the 1-Wire Net and return the
// result 8 bits read from the 1-Wire Net. The parameter 'sendbyte'
// least significant 8 bits are used and the least significant 8 bits
// of the result are the return byte.
// 'sendbyte' - 8 bits to send (least significant byte)
// Returns:  8 bits read from sendbyte
unsigned char OWTouchByte(unsigned char sendbyte)
   if (sendbyte == 0xFF)
      return OWReadByte();
      return sendbyte;

例9. OWBlockコード

OWSearch/1-Wire Tripletコマンド

1-Wire検索は1-Wireネットワーク上のデバイスの64ビットの固有の登録番号を見つけるために使用されます。固有の登録番号は、ROM (Read-Only Memory)にあるため、1-WireのデータシートではROM番号としてよく引用されます。検索は、検索コマンドの前の1-Wireリセットで開始します。全1-Wireデバイスが応答する検索コマンドはF0hです。検索コマンドの後、1-Wireマスタはバイナリ検索を行い1つのデバイスを見つけます。バイナリ検索は、最初にビットを読み込み、ビットの補数を読み込み、その後どのデバイスが検索にあるかを示すビットを書き込むことで、64ビットのそれぞれをみます。これらの3つのシングルビットシーケンスはTripletと呼ばれます。DS2482はこのTripletを実行することでより効率的に1-Wire検索を行うショートカットコマンドを備えています。

Tripletコマンド(78h)は3つのタイムスロット、2つの読み込みタイムスロット、1つの書き込みタイムスロットを1-Wireネットワーク上で生成します。Statusレジスタの方向バイト(DIR)は書き込みタイムスロット(図11)のタイプを決定します。例10では、1-Wire Tripletコマンドを使った1-Wire検索法一式を図示します。この例には、検索を設定し最初とその次のデバイスを見つける機能もあります。OWNextへの繰り返し呼び出しの前のOWFirst呼び出しは、1-Wireネットワーク上の全デバイスを見つけます。1-Wire検索アルゴリズムの説明については、アプリケーションノート187 「1-Wire検索アルゴリズム」をご参照ください。

Figure 11. 1-Wire Triplet. Performs a Search ROM function on the 1-Wire line. The idle time is needed for the <nobr>1-Wire</nobr> function to complete. Then access the device in read mode to get the result from the1-Wire Triplet command.

図11. 1-Wire Triplet。1-Wireネットワーク上でSearch ROM機能を実行します。1-Wire機能の終了にはアイドル時間が必要です。その後、読み込みモードでデバイスにアクセスし1-Wire Tripletコマンドからの結果を入手してください。

// Search state
unsigned char ROM_NO[8];
int LastDiscrepancy;
int LastFamilyDiscrepancy;
int LastDeviceFlag;
unsigned char crc8;

// Find the 'first' devices on the 1-Wire network
// Return TRUE  : device found, ROM number in ROM_NO buffer
//        FALSE : no device present
int OWFirst()
   // reset the search state
   LastDiscrepancy = 0;
   LastDeviceFlag = FALSE;
   LastFamilyDiscrepancy = 0;

   return OWSearch();

// Find the 'next' devices on the 1-Wire network
// Return TRUE  : device found, ROM number in ROM_NO buffer
//        FALSE : device not found, end of search
int OWNext()
   // leave the search state alone
   return OWSearch();

// The 'OWSearch' function does a general search. This function
// continues from the previous search state. The search state
// can be reset by using the 'OWFirst' function.
// This function contains one parameter 'alarm_only'.
// When 'alarm_only' is TRUE (1) the find alarm command
// 0xEC is sent instead of the normal search command 0xF0.
// Using the find alarm command 0xEC will limit the search to only
// 1-Wire devices that are in an 'alarm' state.
// Returns:   TRUE (1) : when a 1-Wire device was found and its
//                       Serial Number placed in the global ROM
//            FALSE (0): when no new device was found.  Either the
//                       last search was the last device or there
//                       are no devices on the 1-Wire Net.
int OWSearch()
   int id_bit_number;
   int last_zero, rom_byte_number, search_result;
   int id_bit, cmp_id_bit;
   unsigned char rom_byte_mask, search_direction, status;

   // initialize for search
   id_bit_number = 1;
   last_zero = 0;
   rom_byte_number = 0;
   rom_byte_mask = 1;
   search_result = FALSE;
   crc8 = 0;

   // if the last call was not the last one
   if (!LastDeviceFlag)
      // 1-Wire reset
      if (!OWReset())
         // reset the search
         LastDiscrepancy = 0;
         LastDeviceFlag = FALSE;
         LastFamilyDiscrepancy = 0;
         return FALSE;

      // issue the search command

      // loop to do the search
         // if this discrepancy if before the Last Discrepancy
         // on a previous next then pick the same as last time
         if (id_bit_number < LastDiscrepancy)
            if ((ROM_NO[rom_byte_number] & rom_byte_mask) > 0)
               search_direction = 1;
               search_direction = 0;
            // if equal to last pick 1, if not then pick 0
            if (id_bit_number == LastDiscrepancy)
               search_direction = 1;
               search_direction = 0;

         // Perform a triple operation on the DS2482 which will perform
         // 2 read bits and 1 write bit
         status = DS2482_search_triplet(search_direction);

         // check bit results in status byte
         id_bit = ((status & STATUS_SBR) == STATUS_SBR);
         cmp_id_bit = ((status & STATUS_TSB) == STATUS_TSB);
         search_direction =
         	((status & STATUS_DIR) == STATUS_DIR) ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;

         // check for no devices on 1-Wire
         if ((id_bit) && (cmp_id_bit))
            if ((!id_bit) && (!cmp_id_bit) && (search_direction == 0))
               last_zero = id_bit_number;

               // check for Last discrepancy in family
               if (last_zero < 9)
                  LastFamilyDiscrepancy = last_zero;

            // set or clear the bit in the ROM byte rom_byte_number
            // with mask rom_byte_mask
            if (search_direction == 1)
               ROM_NO[rom_byte_number] |= rom_byte_mask;
               ROM_NO[rom_byte_number] &= (byte)~rom_byte_mask;

            // increment the byte counter id_bit_number
            // and shift the mask rom_byte_mask
            rom_byte_mask <<= 1;

            // if the mask is 0 then go to new SerialNum byte rom_byte_number
            // and reset mask
            if (rom_byte_mask == 0)
               calc_crc8(ROM_NO[rom_byte_number]);  // accumulate the CRC
               rom_byte_mask = 1;
      while(rom_byte_number < 8);  // loop until through all ROM bytes 0-7

      // if the search was successful then
      if (!((id_bit_number < 65) || (crc8 != 0)))
         // search successful so set LastDiscrepancy,LastDeviceFlag
         // search_result
         LastDiscrepancy = last_zero;

         // check for last device
         if (LastDiscrepancy == 0)
            LastDeviceFlag = TRUE;

         search_result = TRUE;

   // if no device found then reset counters so next
   // 'search' will be like a first

   if (!search_result || (ROM_NO[0] == 0))
      LastDiscrepancy = 0;
      LastDeviceFlag = FALSE;
      LastFamilyDiscrepancy = 0;
      search_result = FALSE;

   return search_result;

// Use the DS2482 help command '1-Wire triplet' to perform one bit of a
//1-Wire search.
//This command does two read bits and one write bit. The write bit
// is either the default direction (all device have same bit) or in case of
// a discrepancy, the 'search_direction' parameter is used.
// Returns – The DS2482 status byte result from the triplet command
unsigned char DS2482_search_triplet(int search_direction)
   unsigned char status;
   int poll_count = 0;

   // 1-Wire Triplet (Case B)
   //   S AD,0 [A] 1WT [A] SS [A] Sr AD,1 [A] [Status] A [Status] A\ P
   //                                         \--------/
   //                           Repeat until 1WB bit has changed to 0
   //  [] indicates from slave
   //  SS indicates byte containing search direction bit value in msbit

   I2C_write(I2C_address | I2C_WRITE, EXPECT_ACK);
   I2C_write(CMD_1WT, EXPECT_ACK);
   I2C_write(search_direction ? 0x80 : 0x00, EXPECT_ACK);
   I2C_write(I2C_address | I2C_READ, EXPECT_ACK);

   // loop checking 1WB bit for completion of 1-Wire operation
   // abort if poll limit reached
   status = I2C_read(ACK);
      status = I2C_read(status & STATUS_1WB);
   while ((status & STATUS_1WB) && (poll_count++ < POLL_LIMIT));


   // check for failure due to poll limit reached
   if (poll_count >= POLL_LIMIT)
      // handle error
      // ...
      return 0;

   // return status byte
   return status;

例10. OWSearchコード




// Set the 1-Wire Net communication speed.
// 'new_speed' - new speed defined as
//                MODE_STANDARD   0x00
//                MODE_OVERDRIVE  0x01
// Returns:  current 1-Wire Net speed
int OWSpeed(int new_speed)
   // set the speed
   if (new_speed == MODE_OVERDRIVE)
      c1WS = CONFIG_1WS;
      c1WS = FALSE;

   // write the new config
   DS2482_write_config(c1WS | cSPU | cPPM | cAPU);

   return new_speed;

例11. OWSpeedコード



// Set the 1-Wire Net line level pullup to normal. The DS2482 only
// allows enabling strong pullup on a bit or byte event. Consequently this
// function only allows the MODE_STANDARD argument. To enable strong pullup
// use OWWriteBytePower or OWReadBitPower.
// 'new_level' - new level defined as
//                MODE_STANDARD     0x00
// Returns:  current 1-Wire Net level
int OWLevel(int new_level)
   // function only will turn back to non-strong pullup
   if (new_level != MODE_STANDARD)
      return MODE_STRONG;

   // clear the strong pullup bit in the global config state
   cSPU = FALSE;

   // write the new config
   DS2482_write_config(c1WS | cSPU | cPPM | cAPU);

   return MODE_STANDARD;

例12. OWLevelコード


例13は、1-Wireビットを読み込み電力分配を実行するOWReadBitPowerに使用されるコードを示しています。ConfigurationレジスタのStrong Pullup (SPU)ビットがイネーブルされると、DS2482は次のビットまたはバイト通信の後にアクティブに1-Wireネットワークをハイにプルします。このオペレーションはビット読み込みが期待された応答をしていることを確認します。応答が正しくない場合は1-Wireレベルは標準プルアップ状態に戻されます。

// Send 1 bit of communication to the 1-Wire Net and verify that the
// response matches the 'applyPowerResponse' bit and apply power delivery
// to the 1-Wire net.  Note that some implementations may apply the power
// first and then turn it off if the response is incorrect.
// 'applyPowerResponse' - 1 bit response to check, if correct then start
//                        power delivery
// Returns:  TRUE: bit written and response correct, strong pullup now on
//           FALSE: response incorrect
int OWReadBitPower(int applyPowerResponse)
   unsigned char rdbit;

   // set strong pullup enable

   // write the new config
   if (!DS2482_write_config(c1WS | cSPU | cPPM | cAPU))
      return FALSE;

   // perform read bit
   rdbit = OWReadBit();

   // check if response was correct, if not then turn off strong pullup
   if (rdbit != applyPowerResponse)
      return FALSE;

   return TRUE;

例13. OWReadBitPowerコード


例14は、1-Wireバイトを書き込みストロングプルアップ電力分配を実行するOWWriteBytePowerに使われるコードを示しています。設定レジスタ内のStrong Pullup (SPU)ビットがイネーブルされると、DS2482は次のビットまたはバイト通信の後、アクティブに1-Wireネットワークをハイにプルします。その後、OWLevel機能が呼び出され1-Wireネットワークを標準プルアップに戻すことができます。

// Send 8 bits of communication to the 1-Wire Net and verify that the
// 8 bits read from the 1-Wire Net are the same (write operation).
// The parameter 'sendbyte' least significant 8 bits are used. After the
// 8 bits are sent change the level of the 1-Wire net.
// 'sendbyte' - 8 bits to send (least significant bit)
// Returns:  TRUE: bytes written and echo was the same, strong pullup now on
//           FALSE: echo was not the same
int OWWriteBytePower(int sendbyte)
   // set strong pullup enable

   // write the new config
   if (!DS2482_write_config(c1WS | cSPU | cPPM | cAPU))
      return FALSE;

   // perform write byte

   return TRUE;

例14. OWWriteBytePowerコード


DS2482は、I2Cバスを1-Wireネットワークにうまくブリッジします。このアプリケーションノートでは、I2C 1-WireラインドライバDS2482ファミリを使用した1-Wireアプリケーションインタフェースのソリューションの全てについて説明しました。このインタフェースによって、1つのデバイスが全1-Wireデバイスと通信可能です。サンプルコードはI2C通信ポートを備えるあらゆるホストシステムで容易に実行されます。C言語実行の一式もダウンロード可能です。このコードのテストプラットフォームはCMAXQUSBの評価キットでした。


11/2005 Version 1.0-最初のリリース
9/2008 Version 2.0-より低レベルのI2C通信コールを使用するためサンプルコードを変更。それに伴い文章を改訂。