AN-0993: Active Filter Evaluation Board for Analog Devices, Inc., Low Distortion Pinout Op Amps

The EVAL-FLTR-LD-1RZ active filter evaluation board is designed to work with the Analog Devices, Inc., low distortion SOIC pinout op amps, which include the following high performance devices: AD8000, AD8099, AD8045, ADA4899, and ADA4857. The active filter board enables quick prototyping of two-, four-, or six-pole Sallen-Key active filters. The board schematic shown in Figure 1 is for a low-pass filter. Converting the board from a low-pass filter to a high-pass filter is accomplished by swapping the location of the filters resistors and capacitors. The boards also have provisions for edge-mounted SMA connectors, which simplify testing and integration.

Figure 1. Active Filter Evaluation Board Schematic.

Figure 1. Active Filter Evaluation Board Schematic.

The active filter evaluation boards are bare, which enables users to customize the filter design. The filter board assembly drawing is shown in Figure 2. All components are 0603 case sizes with the exception of the large bypass capacitors, which are 3216 case sizes.

Figure 2. Active Filter Evaluation Board Assembly Drawing.

Figure 2. Active Filter Evaluation Board Assembly Drawing.


John Ardizzoni

John Ardizzoni

John Ardizzoniは、アナログ・デバイセズの高速リニア・グループの上級アプリケーション・エンジニアです。 マサチューセッツ州ノースアンドーバーのメリマック・カレッジでBSEE(電子工学士)を取得し、2002年にアナログ・デバイセズに入社しました。エレクトロニクス業界で30年以上のキャリアがあります。