新規設計には非推奨Low Noise, High Speed Precision Operational Amplifiers
- 製品モデル
- 4
- 1Ku当たりの価格
- 最低価格:$4.34
- Guaranteed 3.8nv/√Hz max 1kHz Noise
- Guaranteed 35.5nv/√Hz max 10Hz Noise
- Very Low Peak-to-Peak Noise, 80nV Typical
- Guaranteed 25µV max Offset Voltage
- Guaranteed 0.6µV/°C max Drift with Temperature
- Guaranteed 11V/µsec min Slew Rate (OP-37)
- Guaranteed 1 Million min Voltage Gain
The OP-27/OP-37 series of operational amplifiers combine outstanding noise performance with excellent precision and high speed specifications. The wideband noise is only 3nV/√Hz, and with the 1/f noise corner at 2.7Hz, low noise is maintained for all low frequency instrumentation applications. Precision DC specifications match or exceed the best available op amps: offset voltage is 10µV, drift with temperature and time are 0.2µV/°C and 0.2uv/month, respactively; common mode rejection is 126dB, voltage gain is two million. The unity gain compensated OP-27 is an order of magnatude faster than other precision op amps. The decompensated OP-37 is even faster at a gain-bandwidth product of 63MHz an 17V/usec slew rate. These characteristics plus our advanced process and test techniques make the OP-27/OP-37 an excellent choice for performance and reliability in all low noise, precision amplifier applications. In addition, ADI's OP-37 is completely latch-up free in high gain, large capacitive feedback configurations. The acurate, microvolt, low noise signal handling capabilities of the OP-27/OP-37 are taken advantage of in the multiplexed thermocouple application shown.
For applications requiring higher performance see the LT1007 and LT1037 data sheets.
- Low Level Transducer Amplifier
- Precision Threshold Detectors
- Tape Head Preamplifiers
- Microphone Preamplifiers
- Direct Couple Audio Gain Stages
製品モデル | ピン/パッケージ図 | 資料 | CADシンボル、フットプリント、および3Dモデル |
OP37EN8#PBF | 8-Lead PDIP (Narrow 0.3 Inch) | ||
OP37GN8#PBF | 8-Lead PDIP (Narrow 0.3 Inch) | ||
OP37GS8#PBF | 8-Lead SOIC (Narrow 0.15 Inch) | ||
OP37GS8#TRPBF | 8-Lead SOIC (Narrow 0.15 Inch) |
製品モデル | 製品ライフサイクル | PCN |
10 8, 2024 - 24_0234 Migrating Bottom Trace Code Marking to Top Side Laser Marking for PDIP Package |
OP37EN8#PBF | 製造中 | |
OP37GN8#PBF | 製造中 | |
10 11, 2022 - 22_0241 Epoxy Change from Henkel 8290 to 8290A for PDIP Package |
OP37EN8#PBF | 製造中 | |
OP37GN8#PBF | 製造中 | |
8 6, 2022 - 22_0172 Laser Top Mark Conversion for PDIP Packages Assembled in ADPG [PNG] |
OP37EN8#PBF | 製造中 | |
OP37GN8#PBF | 製造中 | |
10 24, 2024 - 24_0246 Migrating Bottom Trace Code Marking to Top Side Laser Marking for SOIC_N Package |
OP37GS8#PBF | 製造中 | |
OP37GS8#TRPBF | 製造中 | |
12 14, 2023 - 22_0255 Epoxy Change from Henkel 8290 to 8290A for 8-Lead SOIC Package (PCN part 2 of 2) |
OP37GS8#PBF | 製造中 | |
OP37GS8#TRPBF | 製造中 | |
11 11, 2021 - 21_0060 Laser Top Mark for 8SOICN Assembled in ADPG, UTL and CRM |
OP37GS8#PBF | 製造中 | |
OP37GS8#TRPBF | 製造中 |
製品モデル | 製品ライフサイクル | 詳細 |
LT1037 | 製造中 | 低ノイズ、高速、高精度オペアンプ |
- OP37