製造中止Continuous Wave (CW) Laser Controller
The ADN8820 is a versatile Continuous Wave (CW) Laser Diode Driver and Controller. It provides a low noise and precisely controlled output for driving a laser diode. It can be configured to operate in CC (Constant Current), CP (Constant Power), CLP (Constant Laser Power), or CG (Constant Gain) modes, making the ADN8820 suitable for source or EDFA pump laser applications.
Multiple laser module configurations are readily supported by the ADN8820, including common-cathode and common-anode to VCC.
The high speed, high efficiency, and low noise proprietary switch-mode output stage provides high output current of up to 4 A. The soft start, power shut down, programmable optical power and current limits protect laser diodes from being over driven.
For transmitter applications, the ADN8820 takes two photodiode (PD) inputs: one for optical power and another for the wavelength (Lambda). These two signals are amplified, buffered, and are taken out which can be used by a wave locker controller directly. The CC mode will be used for calibration and the CP mode will be used in operation.
For optical amplifier applications, such as EDFA or Raman amplifier, the ADN8820 takes three PD inputs: optical input PD, pump laser PD, and optical output PD. The CC mode will be used for calibration with CP, CLP, or CG modes used in operation.
The ADN8820 is available in a 7 mm x 7 mm chip scale package with a package height of less than 1 mm.