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Point of Sale (POS) Systems

Point of Sale (POS) systems are used everywhere in the payment industry. Regardless of payment type, all POS payments need similar security authentication features—end-end encryption algorithms and physical anti-tampering features, which protect the private key and will erase it if there are any threats detected. Analog Devices is an industry leading player in providing the hardware and software security features to enable these certifications, leveraging a portfolio of secure MCU products that can support NFC, QR, and PINpad payment functions, which have already been certified to the latest standards. To support certification, we provide an SDK library of crypto algorithms which are continuously updated to meet the latest standards, as well all the hardware diagnostics needed to protect against the latest security threats.


Value and Benefits

We offer full signal chain solutions for POS payment systems. Technologies such as battery fuel gauges with authentication, USB fast chargers and controllers, and audio technology for micro speaker management are all enabling the most secure, small form factor, and highest performance POS systems needed by the end market today.

Our secure microcontrollers guarantee the highest level of protection against side-channel attacks, physical tampering, and reverse engineering. They conform to EMV, PCI, and FIPS standards, and secure boot and ChipDNA® PUF technology that protect IoT designs against hacker attacks.

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Manage battery with accurate low-temperature state of charge and internal self-discharge management

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Keep processing secure with accurate timekeeping

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Guard against side-channel and physical attacks with secure microcontrollers

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Solution Resources

Hardware Products

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1-Cell ModelGauge m5 EZ Fuel Gauge with Protector, Internal Self-Discharge Detection and SHA-256 Authentication
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Low voltage silent stepper motor driver 2…11V, up to 1.2A with zero standby current 256 µSteps, CoolStep, StallGuard2 and StealthChop

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