Linear Design Seminar, 1987
Linear Design Seminar, Analog Devices, 1987.
This was Analog Devices first general purpose seminar on linear circuits. From a historical perspective, you can see how the technology has advanced by comparing this book with the 1995 Linear Design Seminar and the 2007 Basic Linear Design books.
The Linear Design Seminar of 1987 is available for download:
- Outline (pdf)
- Section 1: Ohm’s Law and other Novelties of Analog Design (pdf)
- Section 2: Fabrication Techniques for Precision Circuits (pdf)
- Section 3: Operational Amplifiers (pdf)
- Section 4: Special Purpose Amplifiers (pdf)
- Section 5: Analog Signal Processing (pdf)
- Section 6: Basic Principles of Data Converters (pdf)
- Section 7: Data Acquisition Systems (pdf)
- Section 8: Microprocessor Interface (pdf)
- Section 9: Switches and Muxes (pdf)
- Section 10: No Noise is Good Noise (pdf)
- Appendices (pdf)
- Linear Design Seminar – zip file of entire book