PIC'ing the MAX5581: Interfacing a PIC Microcontroller with the MAX5581 Fast-Settling DAC
This application note shows how to use a PIC® microcontroller with the MAX5581 DAC. Detailed schematics and source code are provided.
MAX5581 Overview
The MAX5581 is a 12-bit, fast-settling DAC featuring a 3-wire SPI™ serial interface. The MAX5581's interface can support SPI up to 20MHz with a maximum settling time of 3µs. This application note presents an application circuit and all the firmware required to interface the fastest line of PIC microcontrollers (PIC18F core) to the MAX5581 DAC. The example assembly program was written specifically for the PIC18F442 using the free assembler provided in MPLAB IDE version
Hardware Overview
The application circuit discussed here uses the MAX5581 Evaluation (EV) Kit, which consists of the MAX5581, an ultra-high-precision voltage reference (MAX6126), two pushbutton switches, gain setting resistors, and a proven PCB layout. The PIC18F442 is not present on the MAX5581EVKIT board, but was added to the system to complete the application schematic shown in Figure 1. The /CS\, SCLK, DIN, and DOUT pads on the MAX5581EVKIT allow an easy connection for the SPI serial interface.
Figure 1. MAX5581 application schematic Sheet 1 of 2.
Figure 1. MAX5581 application schematic Sheet 2 of 2.
Analog and Digital Ground Planes
It is good practice to separate the analog and digital ground planes, as shown in Figure 2. Use a ferrite bead, such as the TDK MMZ1608B601C, to connect both ground planes together through a ferrite bead. This prevents the microcontroller's system clock and its harmonics from feeding into the analog ground. Knowing that the PIC18F442's system clock is 40MHz, the MMZ1608B601C was chosen for its specific impedance vs. frequency characteristics. Figure 3 shows the impedance versus frequency curve for the MMZ1608B601C.
Figure 2. Separating analog and digital grounds.
Figure 3. Impedance vs. frequency curve for the TDK MMZ1608B601C ferrite bead.
Firmware Overview
The example assembly program shown in Listing 1 initializes the MAX5581 using the PIC18F442's internal MSSP SPI peripheral. The PIC18F442's 40MHz system clock allows the MSSP to provide an SPI clock (SCLK) up to 10MHz. Table 1 shows the only configuration word required after power. Once the MAX5581 is initialized, the program constantly loads the DAC output registers with zero scale followed by full scale, as shown in Table 2. This constant loop results in a square wave, shown in Figure 4, which demonstrates the fast settling time of the MAX5581.
Figure 4. An actual scope shot of the 80kHz square wave.
Listing 1. An Assembly Example Program that Interfaces to the MAX5581 Using the PIC18F442's Internal MSSP SPI Peripheral
Listing 1.asm
;****************************************************************************** ; ; Filename: Listing 1 (Absolute Code Version) ; Date: 2/25/05 ; File Version: 1.0 ; ; Author: Ted Salazar ; Company: Maxim ; ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Program Description: ; ; This program interfaces the internal SPI MSSP ; (Peripheral) of the PIC18F442 to the MAX5581 SPI ; Quad DAC. The program initializes the MAX5581 ; and dynamically generates a 50% duty cycle square ; wave with a frequency of 80KHz. ; ; ;****************************************************************************** ; ; History: ; 2/25/05: Tested SPI DAC format ; 2/25/05: Initialized MAX5591 ; 12/14/04: Cleared tcount timer in HWSPI_W_spidata_W ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ; ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Files required: P18F442.INC ; ;****************************************************************************** radix hex ;Default to HEX LIST P=18F442, F=INHX32 ;Directive to define processor and file format #include <p18f442.inc> ;Microchip's Include File ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** xmit equ 06 ; Asynchronous TX is at C6 ; ;****************************************************************************** ;Configuration bits ; The __CONFIG directive defines configuration data within the .ASM file. ; The labels following the directive are defined in the P18F442.INC file. ; The PIC18FXX2 Data Sheet explains the functions of the configuration bits. ; Change the following lines to suit your application. ;T __CONFIG _CONFIG1H, _OSCS_OFF_1H & _RCIO_OSC_1H ;T __CONFIG _CONFIG2L, _BOR_ON_2L & _BORV_20_2L & _PWRT_OFF_2L ;T __CONFIG _CONFIG2H, _WDT_ON_2H & _WDTPS_128_2H ;T __CONFIG _CONFIG3H, _CCP2MX_ON_3H ;T __CONFIG _CONFIG4L, _STVR_ON_4L & _LVP_OFF_4L & _DEBUG_OFF_4L ;T __CONFIG _CONFIG5L, _CP0_OFF_5L & _CP1_OFF_5L & _CP2_OFF_5L & _CP3_OFF_5L ;T __CONFIG _CONFIG5H, _CPB_ON_5H & _CPD_OFF_5H ;T __CONFIG _CONFIG6L, _WRT0_OFF_6L & _WRT1_OFF_6L & _WRT2_OFF_6L & _WRT3_OFF_6L ;T __CONFIG _CONFIG6H, _WRTC_OFF_6H & _WRTB_OFF_6H & _WRTD_OFF_6H ;T __CONFIG _CONFIG7L, _EBTR0_OFF_7L & _EBTR1_OFF_7L & _EBTR2_OFF_7L & _EBTR3_OFF_7L ;T __CONFIG _CONFIG7H, _EBTRB_OFF_7H ;****************************************************************************** ;Variable definitions ; These variables are only needed if low priority interrupts are used. ; More variables may be needed to store other special function registers used ; in the interrupt routines. CBLOCK 0x080 WREG_TEMP ;variable used for context saving STATUS_TEMP ;variable used for context saving BSR_TEMP ;variable used for context saving ; ENDC CBLOCK 0x000 EXAMPLE ;example of a variable in access RAM ; temp ; temp2 ; xmtreg ; cntrb ; cntra ; bitctr ; tcount ; speedLbyte ;T Being used in HWSPI_speed ; ENDC ;****************************************************************************** ;Reset vector ; This code will start executing when a reset occurs. ORG 0x0000 goto Main ;go to start of main code ;****************************************************************************** ;High priority interrupt vector ; This code will start executing when a high priority interrupt occurs or ; when any interrupt occurs if interrupt priorities are not enabled. ORG 0x0008 bra HighInt ;go to high priority interrupt routine ;****************************************************************************** ;Low priority interrupt vector and routine ; This code will start executing when a low priority interrupt occurs. ; This code can be removed if low priority interrupts are not used. ORG 0x0018 movff STATUS,STATUS_TEMP ;save STATUS register movff WREG,WREG_TEMP ;save working register movff BSR,BSR_TEMP ;save BSR register ; *** low priority interrupt code goes here *** movff BSR_TEMP,BSR ;restore BSR register movff WREG_TEMP,WREG ;restore working register movff STATUS_TEMP,STATUS ;restore STATUS register retfie ;****************************************************************************** ;High priority interrupt routine ; The high priority interrupt code is placed here to avoid conflicting with ; the low priority interrupt vector. HighInt: ; *** high priority interrupt code goes here *** retfie FAST ;****************************************************************************** ;Start of main program ; The main program code is placed here. Main: ; *** main code goes here *** start ; *** Port Initialization *** movlw 0x0FF movwf PORTB clrf PORTA movlw 0x06 ;T Configure PortA as Digital movwf ADCON1 movlw 0x00FB ;T A2 OUTPUT, ALL OTHERS INPUT movwf TRISA movlw 0x0001 ;T B0 INPUT, ALL OTHERS OUTPUT movwf TRISB movlw 0x0093 ;T C7-C0 => bit7-0 ;T OUTPUTs: C6(TX), C5(MOSI), C3(SCLK), C2(CS) ;T INPUTs:C4 (MISO) and all others movwf TRISC ;T TRISC bit3 Master = 0 bsf PORTC,RC2 ;T RC2 = CS\ Make CS\ high ; *** SPI Initialization *** call HWSPI_init ;T Initialize the MSSP for SPI ; *** SPI Configuration *** movlw b'00000000' ;T load W with test byte for CPOLCPHA 0,0 ;T b'00000000' => CPOLCPHA 0,0 ;T b'00000001' => CPOLCPHA 0,1 ;T b'00000010' => CPOLCPHA 1,0 ;T b'00000011' => CPOLCPHA 1,1 call HWSPI_W_configure ; *** SPI Speed *** movlw b'00000000' ;T load W with test byte for SPI Freq ;T b'00000000' => Fosc/4 = 10MHz ;T b'00000001' => Fosc/16 = 2.5Mhz ;T b'00000010' => Fosc/64 = 625kHz ;T b'00000011' => Reserved. call HWSPI_W_speed ;****************************************************************************** ; *** MAX5581 Initialization *** bcf PORTC,RC2 ;T RC2 = CS\ Make CS\ Low movlw 0xEC ;T byte0 of settling time config call HWSPI_W_spidata_W ;T HW SPI WriteRead Operation movlw 0x0F ;T byte1 of settling time config call HWSPI_W_spidata_W ;T HW SPI WriteRead Operation bsf PORTC,RC2 ;T RC2 = CS\ Make CS\ high ; *** MAX5581 Load All DAC Outputs to Zero Scale *** Loopforever bcf PORTC,RC2 ;T RC2 = CS\ Make CS\ Low movlw 0xD0 ;T byte0 of load all input/output to zeros call HWSPI_W_spidata_W ;T HW SPI WriteRead Operation movlw 0x00 ;T byte1 of load all input/output to zeros call HWSPI_W_spidata_W ;T HW SPI WriteRead Operation bsf PORTC,RC2 ;T RC2 = CS\ Make CS\ high ; *** MAX5581 Load All DAC Outputs to Full Scale *** bcf PORTC,RC2 ;T RC2 = CS\ Make CS\ Low movlw 0xDF ;T byte0 of load all input/output to zeros call HWSPI_W_spidata_W ;T HW SPI WriteRead Operation movlw 0xFF ;T byte1 of load all input/output to zeros call HWSPI_W_spidata_W ;T HW SPI WriteRead Operation bsf PORTC,RC2 ;T RC2 = CS\ Make CS\ high ; movwf xmtreg ;T move w to xmtreg ; call asyxmtc ;T call UART routine ; goto Loopforever ;T loop forever ;****************************************************************************** errsrv movlw 0x65 ; load w with 'e' = 0x65 movwf xmtreg ; move w to xmtreg call asyxmtc ; call UART routine dead goto dead ; goto endless loop ;****************************************************************************** set_cf_error movlw 0x00 ; 0x00 into W sublw 0x00 ; Subtract W-0x00: If W<=N C set; If W>N C clear. return ; error=> cf=set ;****************************************************************************** clear_cf_ok movlw 0x01 ; 0x00 into W sublw 0x00 ; Subtract W-0x00: If W<=N C set; If W>N C clear. return ; success=> cf=clear ;****************************************************************************** HWSPI_init ;T SPI MSSP Initialization for M2EAM schematic ;T CPOL,CPHA = 0,0 => CKP = 0 & CKE = 1 bcf SSPCON1,SSPEN ;T Disable the MSSP, SSPCON-5 ; bcf TRISC,SDO ;T TRISC bit5 RC5/SDO = 0 MOSI Output bcf TRISC,SCK ;T TRISC bit3 RC3/SCK = 0 SCLK Output bsf TRISC,SDI ;T TRISC bit4 RC4/SDI = 1 MISO Input movlw 0x0040 ;T SSPSTAT bit8 = 0 sampled in middle ;T SSPSTAT bit6 = CKE = 1 movwf SSPSTAT ;T Used to be sspstat on older PICs movlw 0x0020 ;T SSPCON1 bit5 SSPEN = 1 Enables sycn serial port ;T SSPCON1 bit4 = CKP = 0 ;T SSPCON1 bit3= 0 = Turn MSSP ON for SPI ;T SSPCON1 bit2-0 = 000b = SCLK = Fosc/4 ;T SSPCON1 bit2 = 0 = Master movwf SSPCON1 ;T Used to be sspcon on older PICs bsf INTCON,PEIE ;T INTCON bit6 = PEIE = 1 = Enable periph interrupt bsf PIE1,SSPIE ;T PIE1 bit3 = SSPIE = 1 = interrupt enable movlw 0x00 ;T load 0x00 into W movwf tcount ;T initialize tcount to zero (0x00) ;****************************************************************************** HWSPI_W_configure ;Configure SPI Mode ; ;On Entry: WREG = confDATA ;On Exit: ;On Success: return with C flag clear ;On Failure: return with C flag set ; bcf SSPCON1,SSPEN ;T Disable the MSSP, SSPCON1-5 movwf temp ;T move the confDATA byte to temp btfsc SSPCON1,SSPM3 ;T In SPI Mode?, skip if yes call HWSPI_init ;T MSSP is in wrong mode, Init for SPI ; btfsc temp,1 ;T Is bit1 of confDATA byte clear? if so skip next goto CPOL_1 ;T goto CPOL = 1 label => CPOL = 1 btfsc temp,0 ;T Is bit0 of confDATA byte clear? if so skip next ;T => CPOL = 0 , CPHA = ? goto CPOLCPHA_01 ;T goto => CPOL = 0 CPHA = 1 ;Configure for CPOL = 0, CPHA = 0 bcf SSPCON1,CKP ;T SSPCON1 bit4 = CKP = 0 bsf SSPSTAT,CKE ;T SSPSTAT bit6 = CKE = 1 btfsc SSPCON1,CKP ;T Is SSPCON1 bit4 = CKP = 0 ? goto badjump ;T CKP bit test error btfss SSPSTAT,CKE ;T Is SSPSTAT bit6 = CKE = 1 ? goto badjump ;T CKE bit test error goto okjump2 ;OK configured! ; CPOL_1 btfsc temp,0 ;T Is bit0 of confDATA byte clear? if so skip next ;T CPOL = 1 , CPHA = ? goto CPOLCPHA_11 ;T goto => CPOL = 1, CPHA = 1 ;Configure for CPOL = 1, CPHA = 0 bsf SSPCON1,CKP ;T SSPCON1 bit4 = CKP = 1 bsf SSPSTAT,CKE ;T SSPSTAT bit6 = CKE = 1 btfss SSPCON1,CKP ;T Is SSPCON1 bit4 = CKP = 1 ? goto badjump ;T CKP bit test error btfss SSPSTAT,CKE ;T Is SSPSTAT bit6 = CKE = 1 ? goto badjump ;T CKE bit test error goto okjump2 ;OK configured! ; CPOLCPHA_01 ;configure for CPOL = 0, CPHA = 1 bcf SSPCON1,CKP ;T SSPCON1 bit4 = CKP = 0 bcf SSPSTAT,CKE ;T SSPSTAT bit6 = CKE = 0 btfsc SSPCON1,CKP ;T Is SSPCON1 bit4 = CKP = 0 ? goto badjump ;T CKP bit test error btfsc SSPSTAT,CKE ;T Is SSPSTAT bit6 = CKE = 0 ? goto badjump ;T CKE bit test error goto okjump2 ;OK configured! ; CPOLCPHA_11 ;configure for CPOL = 1, CPHA = 1 bsf SSPCON1,CKP ;T SSPCON1 bit4 = CKP = 1 bcf SSPSTAT,CKE ;T SSPSTAT bit6 = CKE = 0 btfss SSPCON1,CKP ;T Is SSPCON1 bit4 = CKP = 1 ? goto badjump ;T CKP bit test error btfsc SSPSTAT,CKE ;T Is SSPSTAT bit6 = CKE = 0 ? goto badjump ;T CKE bit test error goto okjump2 ;OK configured! ; okjump2 bsf SSPCON1,SSPEN ;T Re-enable MSSP goto clear_cf_ok return badjump bsf SSPCON1,SSPEN ;T Re-enable MSSP goto set_cf_error ;T configuration error return ;****************************************************************************** HWSPI_W_speed ;On Entry: WREG = speedDATA & checks SSPCON1-3 for SPI mode ; speedDATA = 0x00 => Fosc/4 ; speedDATA = 0x01 => Fosc/16 ; speedDATA = 0x02 => Fosc/64 ; speedDATA = 0x03 => Timer Divisor (Not working yet) ; ;On Exit: ;On Success: return with C flag clear ;On Failure: return with C flag set ; bcf SSPCON1,SSPEN ;T Disable MSSP movwf speedLbyte ;T move speedDATA stored in W to speedLbyte btfsc SSPCON1,SSPM3 ;T In SPI Mode?, skip if yes call HWSPI_init ;T MSSP is in wrong mode, Init for SPI ; ;Test if speedLbyte = 0x00. If yes, SPI clock speed = Fosc/4 movlw 0x00 ;T load 0x00 into W subwf speedLbyte,W ;T subtract 0x00 from tcount result in w btfss STATUS,Z ;T test zero flag, skip next instr if z set goto fdiv16 ;T goto Fosc/16 section bcf SSPCON1,SSPM1 ;T SSPCON1-1 = 0 bcf SSPCON1,SSPM0 ;T SSPCON1-0 = 0 goto okjump3 ;T Fosc/4 was selected ;Test if speedLbyte = 0x01. If yes, SPI clock speed = Fosc/16 fdiv16 movlw 0x01 ;T load 0x01 into W subwf speedLbyte,W ;T subtract 0x01 from tcount result in w btfss STATUS,Z ;T test zero flag, skip next instr if z set goto fdiv64 ;T goto Fosc/64 section bcf SSPCON1,SSPM1 ;T SSPCON1-1 = 0 bsf SSPCON1,SSPM0 ;T SSPCON1-0 = 1 goto okjump3 ;T Fosc/16 was selected ;Test if speedLbyte = 0x02. If yes, SPI clock speed = Fosc/64 fdiv64 movlw 0x02 ;T load 0x02 into W subwf speedLbyte,W ;T subtract 0x02 from tcount result in w btfss STATUS,Z ;T test zero flag, skip next instr if z set goto timer ;T goto Timer section bsf SSPCON1,SSPM1 ;T SSPCON1-1 = 1 bcf SSPCON1,SSPM0 ;T SSPCON1-0 = 0 goto okjump3 ;T Fosc/64 was selected ;Test if speedLbyte >= 0x03. If yes, SPI clock speed will be set by the timer ;SETTING THE SPI CLOCK WITH THE TIMER WILL RETURN A FAILURE AT THIS TIME. ;Future To do: Implement the TIMER section timer movlw 0x03 ;T load 0x02 into W subwf speedLbyte,W ;T subtract 0x02 from tcount result in w btfss STATUS,Z ;T test zero flag, skip next instr if z set goto badjmp2 ;T goto error section to return failure goto badjmp2 ;T goto error section to return failure ; bsf SSPCON1,SSPM1 ;T SSPCON1-1 = 1 ; bsf SSPCON1,SSPM0 ;T SSPCON1-0 = 1 ; goto okjump3 ;T Fosc/64 was selected okjump3 bsf SSPCON1,SSPEN ;T Re-enable MSSP bcf STATUS,C ;T clear c flag on success return badjmp2 bsf SSPCON1,SSPEN ;T Re-enable MSSP bsf STATUS,C ;T set c flag on failure return ;****************************************************************************** HWSPI_W_spidata_W ;Simultaneously write SPI data on MOSI and read SPI data on MISO ; ;on Entry: WREG = mosiDATA & checks bit3 of SSPCON1 for SPI mode ;On Exit: WREG = misoDATA ;On Success: return with C flag clear ;On Failure: return with C flag set ; movwf temp2 ;T move mosiDATA stored in W to WREG_TEMP btfsc SSPCON1,SSPM3 ;T In SPI Mode?, skip if yes call HWSPI_init ;T MSSP is in wrong mode, Init for SPI movf temp2,W ;T load W with original mosiDATA ; movwf SSPBUF ;T move byte to transmit to SSPBUF (transmit buffer) movlw 0x00 ;T load 0x00 into W movwf tcount ;T initialize tcount to zero (0x00) again1 btfsc SSPSTAT,BF ;T receive completed? if no, skip next goto okjump1 ;T no. goto again incf tcount,F ;T increment tcount movlw 0xFF ;T load w with literal subwf tcount,W ;T subtract 0xFF from tcount result in w btfss STATUS,Z ;T test zero flag, skip next instr if z set goto again1 ;T loop until timeout goto set_cf_error ;T receive timeout error return okjump1 movf SSPBUF,W ;T put received data in W goto clear_cf_ok return ;****************************************************************************** ; UART routine asyxmtc bcf PORTC,xmit ;T used to be portc,xmit call full movlw 0x08 ;TEST_T "08" movwf bitctr asyxmt1 rrcf xmtreg,f btfsc STATUS,C goto asyxmt2 bcf PORTC,xmit ;T used to be portc,xmit goto asyxmt3 asyxmt2 bsf PORTC,xmit ;T used to be portc,xmit ; asyxmt3 call full decfsz bitctr,f goto asyxmt1 ; bsf PORTC,xmit ;T used to be portc,xmit call full retlw 0 ;****************************************************************************** ; UART baud rate of 115.2kbps using a 40MHz System Clock full movlw d'3' movwf cntrb vdly0 movlw d'6' ; d'43' with 4MHz => 2400 baud movwf cntra vdly1 decfsz cntra,f goto vdly1 decfsz cntrb,f goto vdly0 retlw 0 ;****************************************************************************** ;End of program END </p18f442.inc>
SPI Line | C7 | C6 | C5 | C4 | C3 | C2 | C1 | C0 | D7 | D6 | D5 | D4 | D3 | D2 | D1 | D0 |
DIN | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
SPI Line | C3 | C2 | C1 | C0 | D11 | D10 | D9 | D8 | D7 | D6 | D5 | D4 | D3 | D2 | D1 | D0 |
DIN(1st) | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
DIN(2nd) | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
In Table 2, the first command sets all the DAC outputs to zero scale. The second command sets all the DAC outputs to full scale.
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