Integrated L1-Band GPS Receiver
Part Details
- Supports All Popular Handset Reference Frequencies Up to 26MHz
- 4.7dB Cascaded Noise Figure
- 80dB Cascaded Gain
- Tolerates -90dBm In-Band Jammer
- Tolerates +13dBm CDMA Out-of-Band Jammer at Device Input
- Integrated Synthesizer and VCO
- Integrated 2- or 3-Bit ADC
- 50dB IF AGC Range
- Small 28-Pin Thin QFN Package
- SPI Control Interface
- Clock Output for Baseband Processor
The MAX2741 L1-band GPS receiver IC offers a high-performance, compact solution for mobile handsets and PDA applications. Total voltage gain of 80dB and a 4.7dB cascaded noise figure can provide receiver sensitivity for applications requiring -185dBW for indoor tracking solutions.
This dual-conversion receiver downconverts the 1575.42MHz GPS signal to a 37.38MHz first IF, and then a 3.78MHz second IF. An integrated 2- or 3-bit ADC (1-bit SIGN, 1- or 2-bit MAG selectable) samples the second IF and outputs the digitized signals to the baseband processor.
The integrated synthesizer offers the flexibility in frequency planning to allow a single board design to be employed for reference frequencies from 2MHz to 26MHz. The integrated reference oscillator allows either TCXO or crystal operation.
The receiver runs from a 2.7V to 3.0V supply, and draws only 30mA when active. It is offered in a 28-pin thin QFN package, and is specified for -40°C to +85°C at 3V.
- Consumer Electronics (Location-Based Games)
- Digital Cameras/Camcorders
- Emergency Response Systems
- Emergency Road-Side Assistance
- Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
- In-Vehicle Navigation Systems (IVNS)
- Location-Based Services/Internet (PDAs)
- Precision Timing
- Recreational Handhelds/Walkie-Talkies
- Telematics (Vehicle and Asset Tracking, Inventory Management)
This is the most up-to-date revision of the Data Sheet.
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