ObsoleteGaAs pHEMT MMIC 4 Watt Power Amplifier, 12 - 16 GHz
Part Details
- Saturated Output Power:
+37 dBm @ 22% PAE - Output IP3: +44 dBm
- High Gain: 28 dB
- DC Supply: +7V @ 2400 mA
- No External Matching Required
- 18 Lead Ceramic 7x7 mm SMT Package
The HMC5879LS7 is a 4 stage GaAs pHEMT MMIC 4 Watt Power Amplifier which operates between 12 and 16 GHz. The HMC5879LS7 provides 28 dB of gain, +37 dBm of saturated output power, and 22% PAE from a +7V supply. The HMC5879LS7 exhibits excellent linearity and is optimized for high capacity digital microwave radio. It is also ideal for 13.75 to 14.5 GHz Ku Band VSAT transmitters as well as SATCOM applications.
- Point-to-Point Radios
- Point-to-Multi-Point Radios
- Military & Space
Obsolete Data Sheet 1
This is the most up-to-date revision of the Data Sheet.