ObsoleteGaAs MMIC Low Noise Amplifer SMT, 5 - 6 GHz
Part Details
- Selectable Functionality:
LNA, Driver, or LO Buffer Amp - Adjustable Input IP3 Up to +10 dBm
- +3V Operation
- Ultra Small 8 Lead MSOP:
14.8mm² x 1mm High
The HMC320MS8G(E) is a low cost C-band fixed gain Low Noise Amplifier (LNA). The HMC320MS8G(E) operates using a single positive supply that can be set between +3V and +5V. With +3V bias, the LNA provides a noise figure of 2.5dB, 12dB gain and better than 10dB return loss across the UNII band. The HMC320MS8G(E) also feature an adaptive baising that allows the user to select the optimal P1dB performance for their system using an external set resistor on the “RES” pin. P1dB performance can be set between a range of +1 dBm to +13dBm. The low cost LNA uses an 8-leaded MSOP ground base surface mount plastic package, which occupies less than 14.8mm².
- HiperLAN
Obsolete Data Sheet 1
Quality Documentation 4
Tape & Reel Specification 1
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S-Parameter 1
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