27 GHz to 32 GHz, GaAs, pHEMT, MMIC Power Amplifier

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Part Details

  • PSAT: 29.5 dBm
  • High output IP3: 37 dBm
  • High gain: 24 dB (typical) at 29 GHz to 32 GHz
  • DC supply: 5 V at 600 mA
  • 50 Ω matched input/output
  • 32-lead, 5 mm × 5 mm LFCSP package: 25 mm2
27 GHz to 32 GHz, GaAs, pHEMT, MMIC Power Amplifier
HMC1132PM5E Functional Block Diagram HMC1132PM5E Pin Configuration
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Evaluation Kits


HMC1132PM5E Evaluation Board

Product Details

The HMC1132PM5E evaluation board is a 2-layer board fabricated using Rogers 4350 and best practices for high frequency RF design. The RF input and RF output traces have a 50 Ω characteristic impedance. The circuit board is attached to a heat sink using SN96 solder and provides a low thermal resistance path. Components are mounted using SN63 solder allowing rework of the surface-mount components without compromising the circuit board to heat sink attachment.

The evaluation board and populated components are designed to operate over the ambient temperature range of −40°C to +85°C. During operation, to control the temperature of the HMC1132PM5E, attach the evaluation board to a temperature controlled plate. For proper bias sequence, see the Applications Information section contained within the data sheet.

The evaluation board schematic is shown in the data sheet. A fully populated and tested evaluation board, is available from Analog Devices, Inc., upon request.

HMC1132PM5E Evaluation Board

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