

MicroConverter, 12-Bit ADCs and DACs with Embedded 62 kB Flash MCU

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Part Models 4
1ku List Price Starting From $12.91
  • Analog I/O
    • 8-channel, 247 kSPS, 12-Bit ADC DC performance: ±1 LSB INL AC performance: 71 dB SNR
    • DMA controller for high speed ADC-to-RAM capture
    • 2 12-bit (monotonic) voltage output DACs
    • Dual output PWM/Σ-Δ DACs
    • On-chip temperature sensor function: ±3°C
    • On-chip voltage reference
  • Memory
    • 62 kB on-chip Flash/EE program memory
    • 4 kB on-chip Flash/EE data memory
    • Flash/EE, 100 Yr retention, 100,000 cycles of endurance
    • 2304 bytes on-chip data RAM
  • 8051-based core
  • see data sheet for additional features
Additional Details
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The ADuC832 is a complete, smart transducer front end, integrating a high performance self-calibrating multichannel 12-bit ADC, dual 12-bit DACs, and programmable 8-bit MCU on a single chip.

The device operates from a 32 kHz crystal with an on-chip PLL, generating a high frequency clock of 16.78 MHz. This clock is, in turn, routed through a programmable clock divider from which the MCU core clock operating frequency is generated. The microcontroller core is an 8052 and is therefore 8051 instruction set compatible with 12 core clock periods per machine cycle. 62 kB of nonvolatile Flash/EE program memory are provided on chip. There are also 4 kB of nonvolatile Flash/EE data memory, 256 bytes of RAM, and 2 kB of extended RAM integrated on chip.

The ADuC832 also incorporates additional analog functionality with two 12-bit DACs, a power supply monitor, and a band gap reference. On-chip digital peripherals include two 16-bit Σ-Δ DACs, a dual-output 16-bit PWM, a watchdog timer, time interval counter, three timers/counters, Timer 3 for baud rate generation, and serial I/O ports (SPI, I2C®, and UART).


  • Optical networking—laser power control
  • Base station systems
  • Precision instrumentation, smart sensors
  • Transient capture systems
  • DAS and communications systems
  • Upgrade to ADuC812 systems; runs from 32 kHz
  • External crystal with on-chip PLL.
  • Also available: ADuC831 pin-compatible upgrade to existing ADuC812 systems that require additional
    code or data memory; runs from 1 MHz to 16 MHz
  • External crystal 
Part Models 4
1ku List Price Starting From $12.91

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Technical Documents 20
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Product Lifecycle


Apr 1, 2015

- 15_0024

Conversion of 8x8mm and 9x9mm LFCSP Package Outlines from Punch to Sawn and Transfer of Assembly Site to Amkor Philippines

Aug 19, 2009

- 07_0024

Package Material Changes for SOT23, MiniSO, MQFP, PDIP, PLCC, SOIC (narrow and wide body), SSOP, TSSOP and TSSOP exposed pad

Jan 5, 2009

- 07_0077

Certification of STATSChipPAC Shanghai, China and AMKOR Philippines as additional sources for Assembly & Test of QFP Packages

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Product Lifecycle


Apr 1, 2015

- 15_0024

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Conversion of 8x8mm and 9x9mm LFCSP Package Outlines from Punch to Sawn and Transfer of Assembly Site to Amkor Philippines

Aug 19, 2009

- 07_0024

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Package Material Changes for SOT23, MiniSO, MQFP, PDIP, PLCC, SOIC (narrow and wide body), SSOP, TSSOP and TSSOP exposed pad

Jan 5, 2009

- 07_0077

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Certification of STATSChipPAC Shanghai, China and AMKOR Philippines as additional sources for Assembly & Test of QFP Packages

Evaluation Kits 1


ADuC832 QuickStart Development System



ADuC832 QuickStart Development System

ADuC832 QuickStart Development System

Product Detail

Development system for evaluation of the ADuC832, 8-Channel 12-Bit ADC + Dual 12-Bit DAC + 62K-Byte Flash MCU.

The QuickStart Kits for the ADuC8x-series (8052-core) Precision Analog Microcontrollers feature serial-port download/debug capability and an assembly-source debugging environment.

ADI also provides a non-intrusive emulation POD called the USB-EA-CONVZ allowing assembly & C-source debugging.

It can be ordered separately.

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