SafeNet DSP Security System on a Chip
Part Details
Safe at High Speeds
The SafeNet DSP is a highly integrated security system on a chip incorporating a sophisticated, general purpose DSP core, several high-performance cryptographic function blocks, as well as PCI, External Memory and Serial EEPROM interfaces. The SafeNet DSP architecture segregates security functions in a kernel separate from standard processing functions. This hardware approach provides an unprecedented level of security for commercial applications. The on-chip bus is automatically isolated to prevent access to sensitive information such as keys.
Hash/Encryption The Encryption Block performs high-speed DES and Triple DES encrypt/decrypt operations. All 4 standard modes of DES are supported: Electronic Code Book (ECB), Cipher Block Chaining (CBC), 64-bit Output Feedback (OFB) and 1-bit, 8-bit and 64-bit Cipher Feedback (CFB). The DES encryption/decrypt operations execute full 16-round DES in only 4 clock cycles.
The Hash Block is tightly coupled with the Encryption Block and accelerates one-way Hash functions. Both the MD-5 and SHA-1 algorithms are supported. Combined operations which chain both Hashing and encryption/decrypt functions significantly reduces the processing time for data which needs both operations. The SafeNet DSP can perform parallel execution of both functions from the same source and destination buffers, with an optional offset between operations.
Public Key Acceleration
The public Key Accelerator module works in concert with the CGX Toolkit firmware to provide full Public Key services to the host application. The Toolkit provides Macro-level functions to perform Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement, RSA Encrypt or Decrypt, Calculate and Verity Digital Signatures, etc. The hardware accelerator block speeds computation-intensive operations such as large vector arithmetic.
Other important security feature include:
- Random Number Generation
- Laser Variable Storage
- Secure Code Download
Fast Development Time
Developing and implementing embedded security systems is a complex issue. The SafeNet DSP has simplified this task by incorporating in one chip accelerated performance of critical security algorithms and high-level security functions using the SafeNet CGX Library. The library executes on a high performance, user programmable general purpose DSP Core. Designers concentrate on integrating security into their system in the best and most cost effective manner, instead of focusing on the development of complex security algorithms or combining these algorithms into industry standard implementations like IPSec. That essential security work is done for the designer by the SafeNet DSP.
SafeNet CGX Library
The SafeNet CGX Toolkit and Library is programmed into ROM within the DSP Core, rendering it tamper-proof. The Library provides the API (Application Programming Interface) for applications which require security services from the SafeNet DSP. The applications may be software executing in the `User Mode' on the DSP, or Host software accessing the SafeNet DSP via a PCI bus. Forty security commands - called CGX (Crypto-Graphic eXtensions) - are provided at the API. The firmware runs under a `Protected Mode' state of the DSP. This guarantees the security integrity of the system during the execution of security functions, and, for example, prevents disclosure of cryptographic key data or tampering with a security operation.
By integrating the SafeNet DSP into a router or remote access server, telecommunications OEMs can enable enterprise Extranets and eCommerce applications with higher throughput and stronger security.
Application Note 57
Processor Manual 2
Product Highlight 1
Software Manual 5
Obsolete Data Sheet 1
Product Highlight 1
This is the most up-to-date revision of the Data Sheet.