Quantic X-Microwave

Analog Devices RF and microwave components are available as drop-in X-MWblocks®
from Quantic X-Microwave.

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100 MHz to 30 GHz, Silicon, SP4T Switch

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1ku List Price
Starting From $74.48

Part Details

  • Ultrawideband frequency range: 100 MHz to 30 GHz
  • Nonreflective 50 Ω design
  • Low insertion loss: 2.6 dB at 20 GHz to 30 GHz
  • High isolation: 43 dB at 20 GHz to 30 GHz
  • High input linearity
    • P1dB: 28 dBm typical
    • IP3: 50 dBm typical
  • High power handling
    • 24 dBm through path
    • 24 dBm terminated path
  • No low frequency spurious
  • 0.1 dB settling time (50% VCTL to 0.1 dB of final RF output): 37 ns
  • 24-terminal LGA package
100 MHz to 30 GHz, Silicon, SP4T Switch
ADRF5044 Functional Block Diagram ADRF5044 Pin Configuration
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ADRF5045 RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS 9 kHz to 30 GHz, Silicon, SP4T Switch
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ADIsimRF is an easy-to-use RF signal chain calculator. Cascaded gain, noise, distortion and power consumption can be calculated, plotted and exported for signal chains with up to 50 stages. ADIsimRF also includes an extensive data base of device models for ADI’s RF and mixed signal components.

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Evaluation Kits

eval board

Evaluation Board for the ADRF5044

Product Details

The ADRF5044-EVALZ is a 4-layer evaluation board. Each copper layer is 0.7 mil (0.5 oz) and separated by dielectric materials.

All RF and dc traces are routed on the top copper layer whereas the inner and bottom layers are grounded planes that provide a solid ground for the RF transmission lines. Top dielectric material is 8 mil Rogers RO4003, offering optimal high frequency performance. The middle and bottom dielectric materials provide mechanical strength. The overall board thickness is 62 mil, which allows 2.4 mm RF launchers to be connected at the board edges.

The RF transmission lines were designed using a coplanar waveguide (CPWG) model, with trace width of 14 mil and ground clearance of 5 mil to have a characteristic impedance of 50 Ω. For optimal RF and thermal grounding, as many plated through vias as possible are arranged around transmission lines and under the exposed pad of the package.

Two power supply ports are connected to the VDD and VSS test points, TP1 and TP4, control voltages are connected to the V1 and V2 test points, TP2 and TP3, and the ground reference is connected to the GND test point, TP5.

On the control traces, V1 and V2, a 0 Ohm resistor is used to connect the test points to the pins on the part. On the supply traces, VDD and VSS, a 100 pF bypass capacitor is used to filter high frequency noise. Additionally, unpopulated components positions are available for applying extra bypass capacitors.

The RF input and output ports (RFC, RF1, RF2, RF3, and RF4) are connected through 50 Ω transmission lines to the 2.4 mm RF launchers, J1 to J5. These high frequency RF launchers are by contact and not soldered onto the board. A thru calibration line connects the unpopulated J6 and J7 launchers; this transmission line is used to estimate the loss of the PCB over the environmental conditions being evaluated.

Evaluation Board for the ADRF5044
ADRF5044 Evaluation Board ADRF5044 Evaluation Board ADRF5044 Evaluation Board

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