ObsoleteAdaptive Linear Power™ +12 V ADSL-CO Line Driver
Part Details
The AD8393 is a low power, high output current, low distortion line driver that enables high port density DSL line card designs. The AD8393 features ADI’s Adaptive Linear Power™ architecture, which delivers the same performance typically found with ±12V drivers, but does so with a single +12V supply. Able to drive Discrete Multi-Tone signals with a Peak to Average Ratio from 3.3 to 6.4, the AD8393 with a 1:1.2 transformer dissipates only 575mW of total power for non-overlapped ADSL applications (19.8dBm line power) and only 624mW for overlapped ADSL applications (20.4dBm line power).
The AD8393 offers distinctive advantages over competitive solutions. The low power architecture allows an increase in modem port count for a given thermal and power budget. The single +12V supply simplifies the line card voltage bus requirements. Both these key advantages enabled by the AD8393 directly reduce DSL system complexity and cost.
Data Sheet 1
Application Note 3
This is the most up-to-date revision of the Data Sheet.