

Quad Channel, 128-Position, I2C, Nonvolatile Digital Potentiometer

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Part Models 2
1ku List Price Starting From $2.89
  • 10 kΩ and 100 kΩ resistance options
  • Resistor tolerance: 8% maximum
  • Wiper current: ±6 mA
  • Low temperature coefficient: 35 ppm/°C
  • Wide bandwidth: 3 MHz
  • Fast start-up time < 75 μs
  • Linear gain setting mode
  • Single- and dual-supply operation
  • Wide operating temperature: −40°C to +125°C
  • 3 mm × 3 mm package
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The AD5123/AD5143 potentiometers provide a nonvolatile solution for 128-/256-position adjustment applications, offering guaranteed low resistor tolerance errors of ±8% and up to ±6 mA current density in the Ax, Bx, and Wx pins.

The low resistor tolerance and low nominal temperature coefficient simplify open-loop applications as well as applications requiring tolerance matching.

The linear gain setting mode allows independent programming of the resistance between the digital potentiometer terminals, through the RAW and RWB string resistors, allowing very accurate resistor matching.

The high bandwidth and low total harmonic distortion (THD) ensure optimal performance for ac signals, making the devices suitable for filter design.

The low wiper resistance of only 40 Ω at the ends of the resistor array allows for pin to pin connection.

The wiper values can be set through an I2C-compatible digital interface that also reads back the wiper register and EEPROM contents.

The AD5123/AD5143 are available in a compact, 16-lead, 3 mm × 3 mm LFCSP. The devices are guaranteed to operate over the extended industrial temperature range of −40°C to +125°C.


  • Portable electronics level adjustment
  • LCD panel brightness and contrast controls
  • Programmable filters, delays, time constants
  • Programmable power supplies
Part Models 2
1ku List Price Starting From $2.89

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Aug 6, 2014

- 13_0223

Assembly and Test Transfer of Select 2x3mm and 3x3mm LFCSP Products to STATS ChipPAC China

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Aug 6, 2014

- 13_0223

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Assembly and Test Transfer of Select 2x3mm and 3x3mm LFCSP Products to STATS ChipPAC China

Evaluation Kits 1

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AD5143 Evaluation Board



AD5143 Evaluation Board

AD5143 Evaluation Board

Features and Benefits

  • Full featured evaluation board in conjunction with low voltage digiPOT motherboard (EVAL-MB-LV-SDZ)
  • Various test circuits
  • Various ac/dc input signals
  • PC control via a separately purchased system demonstration platform (SDP-B or SDP-S)
  • PC software for control

Product Detail

With versatile programmability, the AD5143 allows multiple modes of operation, including read/write access in the RDAC and EEMEM registers, increment / decrement of resistance, resistance changes in ±6 dB scales, wiper setting read-back, and extra EEMEM for storing user-defined information, such as memory data for other components or a lookup table.

The AD5143 supports a dual-supply ±2.25 V to ±2.75 V operation and a single-supply 2.3 V to 5.5 V operation, making the device suitable for battery-powered applications and many other applications. In addition, the AD5143 can be configured as a versatile I2C or SPI serial interface. The EVAL-AD5143DBZ can operate in single-supply or dual-supply mode and incorporates an internal power supply from the USB.

Complete specifications for the AD5143 part can be found in the AD5143 data sheet.

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