  • 10mA Output Current Capability
  • Very High Accuracy: 10,000 Volts ±2.5mV
    (L and U)
  • Low Noise
  • Low Temperature Coefficient: 3ppm/°C
  • Performance Guaranteed -55°C to +125°C
  • Short Circuit Protected
  • Available as /883B
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The AD2700 family of precision 10 volt references offer the user excellent accuracy and stability at a moderate price by combining the recognized advantages of thin film technology and active laser trimming. The low temperature drift (3ppm/°C) achieved with these technologies can be matched only by the use of ovens, chip heaters for temperature regulation, or with hand selected components and manual trimming. In addition, temperature-regulated devices are guaranteed only up to +85° operation, whereas the U- and S-grade devices in the AD2700 family are guaranteed to +125°C.

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