

This evaluation board is obsolete and no longer recommended. The replacement board is the ADSW-SMOKEALGO.

This reference design plus related software is designed and tested to meet UL 217 8th edition and EN14604:2005, and similar smoke/fire detection standards. To address the needs of different customers, a number of solution offerings are available which are summarized in the table below. The hardware is designed to accelerate prototyping and the evaluation of the embedded smoke detection algorithm. The hardware is comprised of the EVAL-CN0583-SOM and Carrier board which is described in the CN0583 circuit note.

The Data and Algorithm (EVAL-SMOKE-ALG) package provides an extensive (1000+) smoke dataset taken at UL-217 and EN14604 certified facilities for those who wish to develop their own algorithm. It includes the CN0583 source code for initialization, calibration, environmental compensation, data pre-processing, and adds a UL certified smoke detection algorithm and associated algorithm project files.

Solution Options Description Includes

EVAL-CN0583-CRR1 (Carrier Board)
  • Complete Smoke Detector System on Module
  • Micropower Operation for >10 Year Battery Lifetime
  • UL 217 & EN14604 Verified Smoke Detector Algorithm
  • EN 14604 Verified Smoke Detector Algorithm
  • Smoke Detector (CN0583) Reference Design
  • UL-217 & EN14604 Embedded SW Executable (.hex)
  • ADPD188BI no-OS driver
  • CN0583 Circuit Note
  • CN0583 Hardware User Guide
  • Tested and verified UL-217 & EN14604 Test Result
Data & Algorithm

Full source code and UL 217 8th edition & EN14604:2005 tested and verified algorithm, associated project files, CN0583 source code and over 1000+ sample fire/smoke datasets to accelerate system development.. Software
  • CN0583 Source Code including UL 217 8th Edition & EN14604:2005 Detection Algorithm (.c)
  • MATLAB & Python UL-217& EN14604 Algorithm Projects
  • UL-217 & EN14604 Test Datasets Files
  • UL-217 & EN14604 Algorithm Documentation
  • UL-217 & EN14604 Test Datasets User Guide
  • MATLAB/Python User Guide
  • 10 hours of phone support


This evaluation board is obsolete and no longer recommended. The replacement board is the ADSW-SMOKEALGO.

UL-217 8th edition and EN14604:2005 certified algorithm was developed and passed the smoke/fire tests outlined in the standard. This algorithm will enable you to design your smoke detector applications faster and with more confidence, with the updated standards. Collecting more than 1000 sensor datasets at certified testing facilities provided a large statistical representation which the algorithm was trained and tuned. The accompanying embedded software initializes, calibrates, temperature compensates, pre-processes data, and implements the algorithm engine.

The EVAL-CN0583-SOM uses the ADPD188BI integrated optical sensor (with LED and PD) along with an optimized smoke chamber design to sense and measure smoke particles using a single calibrated device. The hardware design also can handle environmental nuisances, like humidity/dew, using heater resistors to dry the air inside the smoke chamber. The hardware can be used directly with many different microcontrollers, which provides features such as a buzzer, push button, LED indicator, and microSD slot for storing data.

The CN0583 reference design includes a complete data and software offering designed to accelerate smoke/fire detection application development.

The Data and Algorithm (EVAL-SMOKE-ALG) package provides an extensive (1000+) smoke dataset taken at UL-217 and EN14604 certified facilities for those who wish to develop their own algorithm. It includes the CN0583 source code for initialization, calibration, environmental compensation, data pre-processing and adds a UL & EN certified smoke detection algorithm and associated algorithm project files.




Python is a high-level open language with a massive library of data analysis packages for statistics, machine learning, signal processing, and many more.


MATLAB by MathWorks® is an advanced data analysis and algorithm development environment for data scientists and engineers.


CrossCore® Embedded Studio

CrossCore Embedded Studio是针对Blackfin和SHARC处理器系列的世界一流集成开发环境(IDE)。


UL-217 8th Edition and EN14604 Testing Results (using EVAL-SMOKE-ALG with the EVAL-CN0583-SOM)

TEST UL 217 8th Ed. / EN14604:2005 Result
Directionality 43 Pass
Sensitivity 42 Pass
UL – Paper Fire 51.2 Pass
UL – Wood Fire 51.3 Pass
UL – Flaming polyurethane Foam Test 51.4 Pass
UL – Smoldering Smoke Test 52 Pass
UL – Smoldering Polyurethane Foam Test 53 Pass
UL – Cooking Nuisance Smoke Test 54 Pass
UL - Go/No Go Flaming Polyurethane Foam Test 54 Pass
Velocity-Sensitivity Test 44 Pass
Variable Ambient (0 & 49c) 62 Pass
Humidity 63 Pass

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