

  • バイタル・サイン・モニタリング・プラットフォーム
  • バッテリ駆動ウェアラブル・プラットフォーム
  • リアルタイム・ライブ・データ表示
  • オフライン解析用にデータをフラッシュ・メモリに保存
  • 容易な構成




VSMウォッチによって、同期されたマルチパラメータ・データを内部メモリに保存し、後からデータを取得してオフライン解析を行ったり、PC(Windows® OS)またはAndroid/iOS搭載デバイスでライブ・モニタリングを行ったりできます。



Android SDK
Android SDK provides libraries to interface with Watch platform. User application can use the SDK to receive bytes packets over a physical interface (USB or BLE) and decode it. The functionality is organized into applications, sensor manager, system functionality and algorithms. The hierarchy of objects within the SDK mirrors the applications present on the device. Each application has its own object within the SDK hierarchy, which is used to interact with the application.
Python SDK
Python SDK provides libraries to interface with Watch platform. User application can use the SDK to receive bytes packets over a physical interface (USB or BLE) and decode it. The functionality is organized into applications, sensor manager, system functionality and algorithms. The hierarchy of objects within the SDK mirrors the applications present on the device. Each application has its own object within the SDK hierarchy, which is used to interact with the application.


ADI Study Watch (iOS)
ADI Study Watch is an app to evaluate the reference watch from Analog Devices to monitor vital signs such as PPG, ECG, Temperature, EDA measurements. The users can stream, plot the raw data from sensors real time, log the selected data in the NAND flash of the watch device for later analysis, change configuration and settings for each VSM application.
64.99 M
Wavetool Evaluation Software (Rev. 5.22.1)
A user datagram protocol (UDP) transfer capability from the Wavetool Evaluation Software allows data stream connections and register configurability to external analysis programs, such as LabVIEW® or MATLAB®, in real time.