
Welcome. If you’re an electrical engineering student or recent graduate with an interest in analog electronics, you’re just a click or two away from articles, tutorials, and a wealth of other helpful resources.

February Circuit Quiz

Question 1:

What is the main function of a Hartley oscillator?

Question 2:

What practical applications use the Hartley oscillator?

February StudentZone Quiz Solution

See all quiz answers >

ADALM2000 Activity: The Hartley Oscillator
Child using breadboard for school science project
Child using breadboard for school science project


ADALM1000 evaluation board


The ADALM1000 Active Learning Module is an easy to use tool designed to introduce the fundamentals of electrical engineering in a self-led or instructor- led setting.

ADALM2000 active learning module


The ADALM2000 (M2K) Active Learning Module is an affordable USB-powered software-defined instrument that takes the capabilities of the ADALM1000 (M1K) Active Learning Module to the next level.



The Analog Parts Kit contains a large selection of components perfect for creating a wide variety of useful analog circuits and devices.

ADALM-PLUTO active learning module


The easy to use ADALM-PLUTO active learning module (PlutoSDR) helps introduce electrical engineering students to the fundamentals of software-defined radio (SDR), radio frequency (RF), and wireless communications.

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StudentZone Virtual Classroom

The Virtual Classroom for the Analog Devices University Program is designed to help and guide you in your learning experience. You can use it to post questions that you might have concerning the course materials and/or technical exercises relating to the ADI University Active Learning modules.

Visit the virtual classroom

Oscilloscope waveform with breadboard

Educational Material

Curriculum and labs that help students and enthusiasts understand the fundamentals and then go off and try it on their own.

Pages of a book with rf waveforms

Digital Communications

Complete university-level textbook, courseware, slides, videos, and labs for digital communications classes. Focused around using ADALM-PLUTO for real over the air communications.

View SDR for engineers

University Engagement: Empowering Students

ADI University Program

Analog Devices' Engineering University Program provides engineering students and professors with an affordable portable analog design kit that will enhance engineering students' educational experience by allowing them to experiment quickly and easily with advanced technologies and build and test real-world, functional analog design circuits anytime and anywhere.

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On Campus Recruitment

Engineering and robotics students working on project

Students and Graduates

Since ADI was founded, its focus has been to solve the engineering challenges associated with signal processing in electronic equipment. ADI’s products convert real-world phenomena such as temperature, motion, pressure, light and sound into electrical signals to be used in a wide array of applications.

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