ObsoletePrecision Dual Voltage Regulator Controller
Part Details
The ADM1051 is a dual, precision, voltage regulator controller intended for power rail generation and active bus termination on personal computer motherboards. It contains a precision 1.2 V bandgap reference and two channels consisting of control amplifiers driving external power devices. Each channel has a shutdown input to turn off amplifier output and Hiccup Mode protection circuitry for the external power device. The shutdown input on the 1.5 V channel can also be used with the TYPEDET signal on a PC motherboard to select the output voltage.
Data Sheet 1
Application Note 1
Technical Articles 1
Frequently Asked Question 1
Analog Dialogue 1
This is the most up-to-date revision of the Data Sheet.
Tools & Simulations
ADI Linear Regulator Design Tool and Parametric Search
Microsoft Excel download tool from ADIsimPower to generate a power supply design complete with a schematic, bill of materials, and performance specifications.
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