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Audio Processor for Advanced TV

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  • Fully programmable 28-bit audio processor for enhanced ATV sound—default audio processing flow loaded on reset
  • Implements Analog Devices, Inc. and third-party branded audio algorithms
  • Adjustable digital delay line for audio/video Synchronization for up to 200 ms stereo delay
  • High performance 24-bit ADC and DAC
    94 dB DNR performance on DAC channels
    95 dB DNR performance on ADC channels
  • Headphone output with integrated amplifiers
  • High performance pulse-width modulation (PWM) digital outputs
  • Multichannel digital baseband I/O - Please see data sheet.
  • Please see data sheet for additional features.
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The ADAV4601 is an enhanced audio processor targeting advanced TV applications with full support for digital and analog baseband audio.

The audio processor, by default, loads a dedicated TV audio flow that incorporates full matrix switching (any input to any output), automatic volume control that compensates for volume changes during advertisements or when switching channels, dynamic bass, a multiband equalizer, and up to 200 ms of stereo delay memory for audio-video synchronization.

Alternatively, Analog Devices offers an award-winning graphical programming tool (SigmaStudio™) that allows custom flows to be quickly developed and evaluated. This allows the creation of customer-specific audio flows, including the use of ADI library of third-party algorithms.

The analog I/O integrates Analog Devices proprietary continuous-time, multibit Σ-Δ architecture to bring a higher level of performance to ATV systems, required by third-party algorithm providers to meet system branding certification. The analog input is provided by 95 dB dynamic range (DNR) ADCs, and analog output is provided by 94 dB DNR DACs.

The main speaker outputs can be supplied as a digitally modulated PWM stream to support digital amplifiers.

The ADAV4601 includes multichannel digital inputs and outputs. In addition, digital input channels can be routed through integrated sample rate converters (SRC), which are capable of supporting any arbitrary sample rate from 5 kHz to 50 kHz.


  • General-purpose consumer audio post processing
    Home audio
    DVD recorders
    Home theater in a box systems and DVD receivers
  • Audio processing subsystems for DTV-ready TVs
  • Analog broadcast capability for iDTVs
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Product Lifecycle


Dec 7, 2016

- 16_0033

Assembly Relocation to Stats ChipPAC Jiangyin and Test Transfer to Stats ChipPAC Singapore of Select QFP Products

Jan 5, 2009

- 07_0077

Certification of STATSChipPAC Shanghai, China and AMKOR Philippines as additional sources for Assembly & Test of QFP Packages

Sep 20, 2023

- 23_0061

2023 Wearable Prosumer Solutions Obsolescence Notification on select Materials.

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Product Lifecycle


Dec 7, 2016

- 16_0033

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Assembly Relocation to Stats ChipPAC Jiangyin and Test Transfer to Stats ChipPAC Singapore of Select QFP Products

Jan 5, 2009

- 07_0077

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Certification of STATSChipPAC Shanghai, China and AMKOR Philippines as additional sources for Assembly & Test of QFP Packages

Sep 20, 2023

- 23_0061

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2023 Wearable Prosumer Solutions Obsolescence Notification on select Materials.

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