ByteSnap Design Ltd

ByteSnap helps businesses develop next-generation software & electronic products and systems across many markets, such as industrial, medical, IoT & EV charging. Our award-winning team has deep technical expertise with analog, wireless and power supply design from initial feasibility studies through to production.
Software: we develop microcontroller code, Linux & Android Board Support Packages (BSPs), and application software for Linux, Android and iOS. Fixed price and T&M commercial models.

ByteSnap Design Ltd

ByteSnap helps businesses develop next-generation software & electronic products and systems across many markets, such as industrial, medical, IoT & EV charging. Our award-winning team has deep technical expertise with analog, wireless and power supply design from initial feasibility studies through to production. Software: we develop microcontroller code, Linux & Android Board Support Packages (BSPs), and application software for Linux, Android and iOS. Fixed price and T&M commercial models.

  • Europe
  • The Americas


2 Devon Way, Longbridge Technology Park
B31 2TS
B31 2TS
Dunstan Power
ByteSnap has a wealth of experience successfully delivering electronic product designs with hundreds of design-ins of Analog Devices parts. We have completed mixed signal design work in the medical, industrial, automotive, ATEX and scientific arenas. Virtually all hardware design work we do involves some form of switching regulator. In addition, we are well versed at compliance testing and trouble-shooting complex EMC issues.

  • Hardware Design
  • System Design
  • Software Design
  • Board / Module / SubSystem
  • 航空航天和防务
  • 汽车解决方案
  • 工业自动化技术 (IAT)
  • 仪器仪表和测量解决方案
  • 消费者技术解决方案
  • 能源解决方案
  • 医疗健康