Digital Transformation - Transforming Industrial Sensor Design


Industry 4.0, smart manufacturing, and digital factory are names used to describe the evolution of manufacturing that provides higher levels of productivity, increased flexibility, and greater agility, while consuming less energy and materials for more sustainable manufacturing.

One of the key strategies is to collect rich data sets from the edge of industrial automation close to the sensing and action, communicate these data sets seamlessly across the industrial operation and information networks, and then apply advanced analytics to optimize the manufacturing flows.

This rich data strategy is then driving change from the discrete on/off or analog 4 mA to 20 mA loop connected edge field devices connected via technologies such as Ethernet 10BASE-T1L/APL.

In this session we will discuss what are the practical implications for the edge field device design, from the overall architecture to more detailed aspects such as power, explosive safety, functional safety, and security.

Digital Transformation - Transforming Industrial Sensor Design


Industry 4.0, smart manufacturing, and digital factory are names used to describe the evolution of manufacturing that provides higher levels of productivity, increased flexibility, and greater agility, while consuming less energy and materials for more sustainable manufacturing.

One of the key strategies is to collect rich data sets from the edge of industrial automation close to the sensing and action, communicate these data sets seamlessly across the industrial operation and information networks, and then apply advanced analytics to optimize the manufacturing flows.

This rich data strategy is then driving change from the discrete on/off or analog 4 mA to 20 mA loop connected edge field devices connected via technologies such as Ethernet 10BASE-T1L/APL.

In this session we will discuss what are the practical implications for the edge field device design, from the overall architecture to more detailed aspects such as power, explosive safety, functional safety, and security.