- Supply voltage: +24V DC (nominal)
- Internal +5V DC switching regulator for logic + encoder supply
- Motor current: up-to 2A RMS (programmable)
- High-efficient operation, low power-dissipation (TMC249 stepper driver with external MOSFETs)
- Integrated Protection
- Motion profile calculation in real-time (TMC428 motion controller)
- Up-to 64 microsteps
- incremental encoder inputs (a/b/n) supporting differential and single ended encoder signals
- Two general purpose inputs and two general purpose outputs
- CAN (2.0B up-to 1Mbit/s) and RS-232 communication interfaces
- ADI TRINAMIC TMCL interpreter (remote control and stand-alone operation)
- Optional: CANopen (CiA 301 + CiA 402 (homing mode, profile position mode, velocity mode))
- 8 dip switches for CANopen address setting
TMCM-103 is obsolete and not recommended for new designs.
The TMCM-103 is a single axis 2-phase stepper motor controller and driver module. The built in encoder feedback makes it an optimum solution for high-reliability drives. It provides a complete motion control solution at a very small size for embedded applications. The board can be connected to a baseboard (BB-103) or customized electronics. An incremental encoder can be used to detect step loss or to control the target position. The chopSync feature allows high speed movement without resonance problems. Communication traffic is kept very low since all time critical operations, e.g. ramp calculation are performed on board. The firmware of the TMCM-103 can be updated via the serial interface. The TMCL firmware option comes with the PC based software development environment TMCL-IDE. Using predefined TMCL (Trinamic Motion Control Language) high level commands like "move to position" or "constant rotation" rapid and fast development of motion control applications is guaranteed. Host communication is possible via RS-232 or CAN interface. A user TMCL program can be stored in the on board EEPROM for stand-alone operation. With the CANopen firmware option it is possible to operate the PANdrive in CANopen networks together with other equipment.
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