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The ADV101 is a digital-to-analog video converter on a single monolithic chip. The part is specifically designed for high resolution color graphics and video systems. It consists of three, high speed, 8-bit, video D/A converters (RGB); a standard TTL input interface and high impedance, analog output, current sources.

The ADV101 has three separate, 8-bit, pixel input ports, one each for red, green and blue video data. Additional video input controls on the part include sync, blank and reference white. A single +5 V supply, an external 1.23 V reference and pixel clock input are all that are required to make the part operational.

The ADV101 is capable of generating RGB video output signals, which are compatible with RS-343A and RS-170 video standards, without requiring external buffering.

The ADV101 is fabricated in a +5 V CMOS process. Its monolithic CMOS construction ensures greater functionality with low power dissipation. The part is packaged in both a 0.6", 40-pin plastic DIP and a 44-pin plastic leaded (J-lead) chip carrier, PLCC.


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