ADI Trinamic的PANdrive是率先进入市场的一款智能电机解决方案,当时大多数人还在考虑电机和放大器。如今,PANdrive系列体现了ADI公司在电机和运动控制方面积累数十年的经验。PANdrive智能电机是业内公认的优质产品,提供多种尺寸,作为机电一体化解决方案能够满足各种需求。
ADI Trinamic的PANdrive是率先进入市场的一款智能电机解决方案,当时大多数人还在考虑电机和放大器。如今,PANdrive系列体现了ADI公司在电机和运动控制方面积累数十年的经验。PANdrive智能电机是业内公认的优质产品,提供多种尺寸,作为机电一体化解决方案能够满足各种需求。
Build vs Buy: Why Developing Your Motor Drive with Smart Microsystems May Be Your Best Option
Highly integrated microsystems offer a balance between making your own motor drive and buying one. Design engineers have flexibility and options during the new motor drive specification process, as well as access to advanced motion control expertise and functionality without the tradeoffs in features and specifications that accompany building your own. With cost and time restrictions ever present, highly integrated microsystems enable fast, lean, and easy design.
Build vs Buy: Why Developing Your Motor Drive with Smart Microsystems May Be Your Best Option
Highly integrated microsystems offer a balance between making your own motor drive and buying one. Design engineers have flexibility and options during the new motor drive specification process, as well as access to advanced motion control expertise and functionality without the tradeoffs in features and specifications that accompany building your own. With cost and time restrictions ever present, highly integrated microsystems enable fast, lean, and easy design.
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