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Connectivity is no longer a luxury but a human right. Remote work, remote learning, and telehealthcare are the new normal, and people rely on connectivity to participate in a global society. By merging 5G connectivity and intelligence, we can begin to address the world’s 2.9 billion inhabitants living without broadband access.

But to achieve ubiquitous connectivity, we must answer significant challenges ranging from energy consumption and efficiency to industry transformation and collaboration. The communications industry has made progress toward reducing its carbon footprint, yet the energy required to scale 5G (and soon, 6G) will be exponential, demanding new solutions. The industry is looking ahead to 150 billion connected devices by the end of the decade. Innovators will need to collaborate closely to reduce power consumption and keep our carbon footprint in check.

Featured Participants:

  • Andy McLean, Vice President, Communications and Cloud for Analog Devices
  • Mike Robuck, U.S. Editor, Mobile World Live

Learn more about what’s next in connectivity, how energy savings help lower humanity’s carbon footprint, and the promise of Open RAN and collaboration.