DVB-S Half-NIM Tuner Reference Design Uses the MAX2120 Tuner

Mar 29 2023
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Figure 1. DVB-S Half-NIM reference design features the MAX2120 tuner

Figure 1. DVB-S Half-NIM reference design features the MAX2120 tuner.

Important Design Features:

  • A Popular Form Factor Often Used in the Chinese DVB-S Market; Can Be Adopted Without Physical Modifications
  • Active Loop-Through Using a Discrete LNA
  • LNB 12V Power Feed-Through

Figure 2. System block diagram.

Figure 2. System block diagram

Lab Measurements

Supply Current

Parameter Conditions Measured Units
Supply Current LNA supply 3.3V, Ta = +25°C 26 mA
Supply Current LNA + MAX2120 3.3v, tA = +25°C 115 mA

Main Signal Path Performance

Test conditions include VCC =+3.3V; RF input signals as specified in the following table; default register settings; and Ta = +25°C.

Parameter Test Conditions Frequency Measured Target Units
RF Input Frequency 950 to 2150 MHz
Input Return Loss (75Ω system) Measure at input port < -6 < -6 dB
Overall Voltage Gain Unbalanced source impedance = 75Ω, GC1 = 0.5V and GC2 = +15dB 1050MHz 91 > 80 dB
1550MHz 88
2150MHz 83
Noise Figure GC2 = +10dB, GC1 = 0.5V 1050MHz 5.5 < 7 dB
2150MHz 7.45
I/Q Amplitude Error Measured at 2MHz; filter bandwidth set to 22MHz 0.25 < ±1 dB
I/Q Quadrature Phase Error Measured at 2MHz; filter bandwidth set to 22MHz < 2.5 < 3.5 Deg
IIP3 (In Band) GC1 set to provide the nominal baseband output drive when mixing down a -23dBm tone at 2055MHz to 5MHz baseband (fLO = 2050MHz). GC2 set for 7dB gain. Two tones at -26dBm each are applied at 2056MHz and 2060MHz. The IM3 tone at 2MHz is measured at baseband. -1.5 -2 dBm
IIP3 (Out of Band) GC1 set to provide the nominal baseband output drive when mixing down a -23dBm tone at 2055MHz to 5MHz baseband (fLO = 2050MHz). GC2 set for 7dB gain. Two tones at -20dBm each are applied at fLO -100MHz and fLO -195MHz. The IM3 tone at 5MHz is measured at baseband. 10 5 dBm
IIP2 (Broadband) GC1 set to provide the nominal baseband output drive when mixing down a -23dBm tone at 2175MHz to 5MHz baseband (fLO = 2170MHz). GC2 set for 7dB gain. Two tones at -20dBm each are applied at 925MHz and 1250MHz. The IM2 tone at 5MHz is measured at baseband. 12.5 14 dBm
Phase Noise 1kHz offset, fLO =1000MHz -73.3 -70 dBc/Hz
10kHz offset, fLO = 1000MHz -85.6 -82
100kHz offset, fLO = 1000MHz -108.1 -102
1MHz offset, fLO = 1000MHz -120.8 -122
Local Oscillator Signal Leakage at RF Input Terminal Measured at RF input port with 50MHz increment step from 925MHz to 2175MHz < -80 < -63 dBm

Loop-Through Performance

Parameter Conditions Measured Target Units
Frequency Range 925MHz to 2175MHz -- -- MHz
Return Loss at TV_OUT Antenna Input Terminated with 75Ω < -6 < -6 dB
Power Gain at TV_OUT -- -.04 to 2.8 -1 to 3 dB
Noise Figure at TV_OUT -- < 5.5 < -6 dB
TV_OUT to ANT_IN Isolation -- 35.1 35 dB

System Performance

DVB-S system measurements for the MAX2120 Half-NIM are made by connecting to a DVB-S demodulator.

Figure 3. The DVB-S sensitivity without noise is better than -92.5dBm for 4.42Msps, and better than -84dBm for 27.5Msps across the band

Figure 3. The DVB-S sensitivity without noise is better than -92.5dBm for 4.42Msps, and better than -84dBm for 27.5Msps across the band.

Figure 4. When noise is added, the DVB-S sensitivity is better than -85dBm for 4.42Msps, and better than -77.5dBm for 27.5Msps across the band. For this case, AWGN noise is added with C/N = 5dB. For the 4.42Msps data rate, the noise bandwidth is 5.7MHz; for the 27.5Msps data rate, the noise bandwidth is 35.2MHz.

Figure 4. When noise is added, the DVB-S sensitivity is better than -85dBm for 4.42Msps, and better than -77.5dBm for 27.5Msps across the band. For this case, AWGN noise is added with C/N = 5dB. For the 4.42Msps data rate, the noise bandwidth is 5.7MHz; for the 27.5Msps data rate, the noise bandwidth is 35.2MHz.

Detailed Description

This MAX2120 reference design is a compact Half-NIM DVB-S tuner for satellite STB applications. The design covers the RF range from 925MHz to 2175MHz. The MAX2120 is a fully integrated silicon tuner, which includes a LNA, RF and IF VGAs, a mixer, and a variable-bandwidth LPF in the baseband stage. The tuner is powered by a single 3.3V supply. A small number of passive components are needed to form a complete DVB-S RF front-end solution.

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