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This document describes a circuit that uses three MAX17541G buck converters and one MAX17504 step-down DC-DC converter. The circuit is arranged so that each buck converter uses the same input with four separate outputs. Each output has a different power specification. The MAX17541G regulator and features are given first, followed by the MAX17504 features.


The MAX17541G high-efficiency, high-voltage, synchronous step-down DC-DC converter with integrated MOSFETs operates over a 4.5V to 42V input. The converter can deliver up to 500mA and generates output voltages from 0.9V up to 0.92 x VIN. The feedback (FB) voltage is accurate to within ±1.7% over the -40°C to +125°C operating temperature range. The MAX17541G uses peak-current-mode control with pulse-width modulation (PWM) and operates with fixed 600kHz switching frequency at any load.


The MAX17504 is also a high-efficiency, high-voltage, synchronous step-down DC-DC converter with integrated MOSFETs and operates over a 4.5V to 60V input. The converter can deliver up to 3.5A current. Output voltage is programmable from 0.9V to 0.9 x VIN. The feedback voltage regulation accuracy over -40°C to +125°C is ±1.1.%. The MAX17504 also features a peak-currentmode control architecture. The device can be operated in the pulse-width modulation (PWM), pulse-frequency modulation (PFM), or discontinuous-conduction mode (DCM) control schemes. A programmable soft-start feature allows users to reduce input inrush current. The device also incorporates an output enable/undervoltage lockout pin (EN/UVLO) that allows the user to turn on the part at the desired input voltage level. An open-drain active-low RESET pin provides a delayed power-good signal to the system upon achieving successful regulation of the output voltage.

Features & Benefits


  • Reduced Power Dissipation
  • Peak Efficiency > 90%
  • Shutdown Current = 0.9μA (typ)
  • Operates Reliably in Adverse Industrial Environments
  • Hiccup-Mode Current Limit, Sink Current Limit, and Autoretry Startup
  • Built-In Output-Voltage Monitoring (Active-Low RESET Pin)
  • Programmable EN/UVLO Threshold
  • Adjustable Soft-Start and Prebiased Power-Up
  • -40°C to +125°C Ambient Operating Temperature Range/-40°C to +150°C Junction Temperature Range


  • 100kHz to 2.2MHz Adjustable Switching Frequency with External Synchronization
  • Peak Efficiency > 90%
  • PFM and DCM Modes Enable Enhanced Light-Load Efficiency
  • 2.8μA Shutdown Current
  • Operates Reliably in Adverse Industrial Environments
  • Hiccup Mode Overload Protection
  • Adjustable Soft-Start and Prebiased Power-Up
  • Built-In Output-Voltage Monitoring with RESET
  • Programmable EN/UVLO Threshold
  • -40°C to +125°C Ambient Operating Temperature Range/-40°C to +150°C Junction Temperature Range

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