
Features and Benefits

  • Accommodates Multiple Op-Amp Configurations
  • Rail-to-Rail Outputs
  • Accommodates Easy-to-Use 0805 Components
  • 2.7V to 20V Single Supply or ±1.35V to ±10V Dual Supplies
  • Proven PCB Layout
  • Fully Assembled and Tested

Product Details

The MAX44242 evaluation kit (EV kit) provides a proven design to evaluate the MAX44242 low-input bias current, low-noise operational amplifier (op amp) in an 8-pin µMAX® package. The EV kit circuit is preconfigured as noninverting amplifiers, but can be adapted to other topologies by changing a few components. The component pads accommodate 0805 packages, making them easy to solder and replace. The EV kit comes with a MAX44242AUA+ installed.

Applicable Parts

Documentation & Resources