
Features and Benefits

  • Full featured evaluation board for the AD4080
  • Analysis | Control | Evaluation (ACE) Software plug-in available for device configuration, data capture, and performance evaluation
  • Flexible analog front end
  • On-board power solution and precision reference
  • On-board clock generation circuitry with sampling frequency control via the ACE Software
  • FMC compatible

Product Details

The EVAL-AD4080-FMCZ is designed to demonstrate the AD4080 performance and provide access to a limited set of AD4080 features in the ACE Software environment. The EVAL-AD4080-FMCZ evaluation kit supports the following AD4080 features:

  • Low voltage digital signaling (LVDS) data output interface
  • Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) configuration via serial peripheral interface (SPI)
  • Internal or external generation of 1.1 V regulated supply rails
  • Sampling rate capability between 1.25 MSPS and 40 MSPS

The EVAL-AD4080-FMCZ evaluation board was designed for use with the Digilent ZedBoard via the field programmable gate array (FPGA) mezzanine card (FMC) connector. The ZedBoard uses a Xilinx Zynq7000 system on chip (SoC) that runs Analog Devices, Inc., Kuiper Linux and LIBIIO included on the SD card supplied in the evaluation board kit to facilitate communication with the EVAL-AD4080-FMCZ, enabling ADC configuration and data capture. The ZedBoard also provides the communication link to the host PC and the ACE Software plug-in.

Applicable Parts

Documentation & Resources