
Features and Benefits

  • AD2428W Automotive Audio Bus A2B® Transceiver
    • Multichannel I2S/TDM interface
  • Main or Subordinate Node (Local Power & Bus Power)
  • 100 pin connector for interfacing with EV-SOMCRR-EZKIT
  • “Break out board” for A2B
    • 32 pin 0.1" header for customers to interface their own designs
  • LT8620 – 2A, Step-Down Switching Regulator
  • Power, Status, GPIO, and Interrupt LEDs

Product Details

ADZS-AD2428MINI is a low-cost, mini break-out board which can interface with EV-SOMCRR-EZKIT (via a 100-pin connector) or any custom board (via a 32 pin 0.1" header). It supports main and subordinate node capability as well as bus and local power configurations.

An Automotive Audio Bus (A2B®) system consists of a single main node and at least one subordinate node, where the transceiver at the host controller is the main node. The main transceiver generates clock, synchronization, and framing for all subordinate nodes and is programmable over a control bus (I2C) for configuration and readback. An extension of this control bus is embedded in the A2B data stream, which enables the host to directly access subordinate transceiver registers and any I2C-connected peripherals on subordinate nodes.

Transceivers can connect directly to PDM microphones and to numerous peripherals via I2C and a multichannel I2S/TDM interface. Finally, the transceiver also supports an A2B bus powering feature, where the main node supplies voltage and current to the subordinate nodes over the same daisy-chained, twisted pair wire cable as used for the communication link, thus eliminating the need for a power supply on bus-powered subordinate nodes. Due to the numerous configurations that are possible for a given A2B system, there are several evaluation platforms that can be used in combination to verify system operation, as summarized in the table below.

Product Comparison Guide
A2B Evaluation Board Main/Subordinate Power
EVAL-AD2428WD1BZ Main/Subordinate Local Yes 3
EVAL-AD2428WB1BZ Subordinate Bus Yes 2
EVAL-AD2428WC1BZ Subordinate Bus No 4
EVAL-AD2428WG1BZ Subordinate Local Yes 0
 ADZS-AD2428MINI  Main/Subordinate Local/Bus  Yes   0

Please contact your local ADI sales office or authorized ADI product distributor to receive additional product information and technical support.


Software Development Tools

A2B network design tool and embedded software stack that allows audio network designers to graphically design an A2B network and deploy it into an embedded platform.
Graphical development tool for programming, development, and tuning software for ADI DSP audio processors and A2B® transceivers.