AD9861/AD9863 Serial Port for a PC with Windows 98/2000/NT
This document explains the installing and software and hardware required to utilize the parallel port on a PC running Windows 98, Windows 2000 and Windows NT.
The AD9861/AD9863 evaluation board has a 36 pin female Micro Centronics cable that connects to the AD9861/AD9863 SPI pins. The cable used to connect the PC parallel port to the evaluation board is a IEEE1284 Printer Cable, DB25 Male/Micro Centronics 36 Male (one manufacturer is Belkin).
Windows 98 Software Loading Instructions
- Some of the files included are freeware provided by an external vendor.
- The serial port interface software for Window 95/98 requires National Instruments Run-Time Engine 5.1. The Run-Time Engine software is in the Runtime folder.
- Run the setup.exe file in the Runtime folder, this installs the National Instruments software called LabView Run-Time Engine version 5.1.1.
- Copy port_IO.dll and AD9861_63_SPI.exe into the same directory.
- Run the AD9861_63_SPI.exe program (port_IO.dll needs to be in the same directory).
Windows 2000/NT Software Loading Instructions
- Some of the files included are freeware provided by an external source.
- The GIVEIO.exe program will allow the Serial Port program as well as other programs to bypass the operating system and access the PC ports directly.
- Unzip the file into a common directory. The files included in this zip file are: InstMsiW.exe, lvrteintall.exe, lvrteinstall.ini, lvrt.msi and InstMsi.exe.
- Run the lvrteinstall.exe, this installs the National Instruments freeware called LabView Run-Time Engine.
- Copy GIVEIO.exe, port_IO.dll, 64REG_SPI_win2k.exe and 64REG_SPI_win2k.ini into the same directory.
- Run the GIVEIO.exe program (port_IO.dll needs to be in the same directory), then run 64REG_SPI_win2k.exe.
Instructions for Operating the SPI Software:
The RED columns on the left are the specific registers. The two rows directly to the left of each register button are for writing and reading the specific data. The circles are for writing the specific bits (Black for a high or "1" and White for a low or "0") and the small squares below each circle indicates what is readback from a register (if it is highlighted, "green" it is a high or "1" or it is un-highlighted or yellow for a low or "0"). Both the write and read back indicator are configured so that the MSB is to the left and the lsb is to the right.
- To read back the SPI data:
All Registers: Select the All Registers button (located in the top center of the window) until it turns Yellow. Then select the Read button until it turns Yellow. Click the run arrow, on the top left corner, once. Upon clicking on the run arrow, the small squares to the right of the register buttons will update. A green highlighted bit signifies a "1" in that bit position and a yellow un-higlighted bit indicates a "0".
Specific Registers: Deselect All Registers Button (it should be Red), select Read Button (Yellow) and select the specific Registers you want read back (Yellow). Click the run arrow, on the top left corner, once. Upon clicking on the run arrow, the small squares to the right of the register buttons will update.
- To write to a SPI Register:
All Registers: Selecting the All Registers Button (Yellow) you will force the writing of all registers regardless of which ones are selected or not. Enter the binary data into the circles to the right of the Register Indicator by clicking on the appropriate bit. When programming a logic high, the circle should be black; when programming a logic low, the circle should be white. Select the Write Button (Yellow), the Read Button can also simultaneously be selected (Yellow), which allow writes and then immediate read backs for verification purposes. Click the Run Arrow to execute the operation.
Specific Registers: Deselect All Registers Button (it should be Red), select the Write Button (Yellow), the Read Button can also simultaneously be selected (Yellow), which allow writes and then immediate read backs for verification purposes. Click the Run Arrow to execute the operation. Enter the binary data into the circles to the right of the Register indicator by clicking on the appropriate bit. When programming a logic high, the circle should be black; when programming a logic low, the circle should be white.