Welcome to myAnalog FAQs:

myAnalog allows you to:

  • Receive product updates and new product notices, including PCNs.
  • Get custom news and technical information for your design.
  • Save favorite products, Circuits from the Lab, tools, bookmarks.
  • Sign up for eNewsletters.

How can I add and remove products on myAnalog page?

There are two ways to add a product to your myAnalog page:

  1. Use site-wide search to browse to a product page and click 'Save to myAnalog' on the product page.
  2. Use the Add More Products search feature on "Products" tab. Enter a complete or partial part number.

To remove products, select the 'Products' tab. Select the box next to the product, and select ‘Remove’ to save your changes.

How do I customize my weekly email notifications?

You can manage your weekly email notifications on the 'Notifications' tab. Your weekly myAnalog notifications will be mailed to you at the email address you provided during site registration.

You can change the format of the email you are receiving, unsubscribe from the email and change the language of the email.

Manage Product Change and Discontinuance Notifications:

On the 'Notifications' tab you can manage PCN/PDN notifications. You are receiving notices about product changes and discontinuances for the product models listed in this section.

If a product model has 'Remove' you are already receiving notifications for this product. By clicking on the 'Remove' it will change to 'Notify' which now means you will no longer receive notifications on this product.

Manage New Product Notifications:

You will receive new product notices for the product categories listed in this section.

To remove a product category select the box next to the product category and select 'Update' to save your updates.

How do I manage my Circuits from the Lab?

On the 'Circuits from the Lab' tab you can add a Circuit Note, manage your Circut Note bookmarks and manage your saved search filters.

Adding a Circuit Note:

There are two ways to add a circuit note:

  1. Type a circuit note number into the search.
  2. Use the 'Find Circuit Note' link. This will bring you to the 'Find Circuits From the Lab' page where you can search, filter and save your search filters.

Removing a Circuit Note:

You can remove a circuit note by selecting the check box next to the circuit note and selecting 'Remove' to save your updates.

Manage Saved Search Filters:

You can receive an email notification for one of your Circuits from the Lab search filters. To remove a saved filter select the box next to the filter and select 'Remove' to save your updates.

How do I add and remove favorite pages on myAnalog page?

On the 'Tools and Favorites' tab you can manage all your favorites. You can rename bookmark labels to a label that makes more sense to you by simply click on the label and entering the name you prefer.

To remove bookmarks, select box next to the bookmark and select 'Remove' to save your updates.

How do I manage my eNewsletter subscriptions?

eNewsletters offer the latest news and articles about products, design tools, and training & events.

Manage your eNewsletter preferences on the eNewsletters tab. To subscribe to an eNewsletter, select the box next to its title.

To unsubscribe, deselect the box.

The eNewsletters you select will be mailed to you at the address provided during site registration.