Enabling Fractional-T1 (FT1) Loopback Detection on the DS31256


This application note provides the operational algorithm and coding examples to use the receive BERT function in the DS31256 to perform Fractional-T1 (FT1) loop-up or loop-down detection (V.54).


This application note describes how to use the DS31256's receive BERT function to perform Fractional-T1 (FT1) loop-up or loop-down detection (V.54) as described in the Fractional T1.403 Annex B spec. The operational algorithm and coding examples illustrate the easy adaptation of the DS31256 for end-user applications.

The DS31256 has only one BERT engine, but has 16 V.54 engines (one per port). Consequently, the software bandwidth must handle the multiplexing required if more than one port is tested.


The flowchart in Figures 1 and 2 below describes the loop-up and loop-down operation in detail. It is assumed that only port 0 is looking for the FT1 pattern. The basic algorithm sets the BERT to look for the loop-up pattern. After syncing up, the algorithm checks to ensure that the BERT is in sync for a programmable period (0.6 second in the code) and then looks for an all ones pattern. The same syncing and checking approach is then followed for the loop-down code, followed by the all ones pattern.

Although this example uses 0.6s as the period for ensuring that the BERT is in sync, this time period must be adjusted based on how fast the sync_loop function executes.

Figure 1. Flowchart of FT1 (loop-up and loop-down) detector operation.

Figure 1. Flowchart of FT1 (loop-up and loop-down) detector operation.

Figure 2. Flow chart of FT1 (loop-up and loop-down) detector operation (continued).

Figure 2. Flow chart of FT1 (loop-up and loop-down) detector operation (continued).

Definition of the Coding Example Function Calls

Before looking at the code specifics, there are some assumptions that must be understood. The following functions are needed in the software.

  1. write_reg (addr, data)—writes the specified data value to the specified DS31256 register:

    addr = DS31256 register offset from the chip base address
    data = data to be written to register
  2. read_reg (addr)—reads the DS31256 register at the specified address and returns the value:

    addr = DS31256 register offset from the chip base address
  3. write_ind_reg (addr, data)—write the specified data to the specified DS31256 indirect select register, and then wait for that register's busy bit to clear before returning:

    addr = the indirect select register where data is to be written
    data = the data to be written to the specified indirect register
  4. read_ind_reg (addr, i)—read the DS31256 indirect register at the specified address and returns the value:

    addr = DS31256 register offset from the chip base address
    i = index
  5. The standard C print function, printf

Coding Example of Functions

Function to Test the FT1

void FT1Test()
	int status = 0;
	FT1Setting(0, 0); 				-- Configure the device for BERT
status = sync_loop(1, 300, 5000); 		-- FT1 loop-up test
if(status == 1) 				-- Return status is synced
  	status = sync_loop(3, 300, 5000);	-- FT1 all ones test
  	if(status == 1)
   	loopbackSetup(1);			-- Place channelized in network loopback
	status = sync_loop(2, 300, 5000);	-- FT1 loop-down test
	if(status == 1)
status = sync_loop(3, 300, 5000); 	-- FT1 all ones test
    		if(status == 1)
loopbackSetup(0);			-- Take out from channelized loopback 
checkstatus(3);			-- Print out test status
checkstatus(2);			-- Print out test status
checkstatus(3);			-- Print out test status
  	checkstatus(1);				-- Print out test status

1. Function to Print Out the Test Status Message

void checkstatus(int type)
 	case 1: printf("Loopup pattern not found");	
 	case 2: printf("Loopdown pattern not found");
 	case 3: printf("All 1's pattern not found");

2. Function to Configure the FT1

This examples assumes that Port 0 is used for FT1 detection

void FT1Setting(int dev, int port)
int mc = 0;						-- Variables to be used
int ds0 = 0;
int rcfg = 0;
mc = read_reg (0x10);				-- Read Master Control(MC) 0x00 register
mc = mc & 0xf07f;	-- Mask out the read-back value from MC 
write_reg (0x10, mc); 	-- Assign the BERT to port 0 (MC.BPS4-0) 

write_reg(0x0304, 0x4000); 	-- Configure port 0 in receive port 
for(ds0 = 0; ds0 < 128; ds0 = ds0 + 1) 		-- Configure register 
{							--Assign timeslot R[0]CFG[ds0].RBERT bit  
write_ind_reg(0x0300, 0x0100 + ds0);	-- Assign all 128 ds0’s to RBERT 
printf("FT1 configuration completed."); 

3. Function to Perform the FT1 Test

int sync_loop(int pattern, int sync_cnt, int timeout) 
int timeCnt = 0; 					-- Variables will be used
int cnt = 0;
int status = 0;
int temp = 0;
int sync = 0; 
int bertc0 = 0; 
int bertec0 = 0;

BertSetup(pattern);					-- Set up the BERT

bertc0 = read_reg (0x500);				-- Toggle RESYNC
bertc0 = bertc0 | 0x0001;	-- Mask the read BERTC0 value 
write_reg (0x500, bertc0);				-- Write a 1 into BERTC0.RESYNC
bertc0 = bertc0 & 0xfffe;				-- Mask out read-back value
write_reg (0x500, bertc0);				-- Write 0 into BERTC0.RESYNC

bertc0 = read_reg (0x500);				-- Read BERTC0
bertec0 = read_reg (0x518);				-- Read BERTEC0
sync = ((bertec0 & 0x0001) == 0x0001);  		
timeCnt = timeCnt + 1;

while(cnt<sync_cnt) {="" while(sync="" !="1)" delay="" (2000);="" --="" wait="" for="" 2="" milliseconds="" bertec0="read_reg" (0x518);="" read="" value="" of="" sync="((bertec0" &="" 0x0001)="=" 0x0001);="" timecnt="timeCnt" +="" 1;="" if(timecnt="">= timeout)
printf("Time Out while searching for pattern.");
return status = 0;
	timeCnt = timeCnt +1;
	bertec0 = read_reg (0x518); 			-- Read value of BERTEC0
	temp = ((bertec0 & 0x0010) == 0x0010);	-- Check BERTEC0.RLOS 
	if(temp == 1)
            sync = 0;
   	cnt = 0;
   	cnt = cnt+1;

	if(cnt == sync_cnt)
   	printf("Synced to pattern.");
   	return status = 1;
 return 0;

4. Set Up the Pattern in BERT Register

void BertSetup(int pattern) 
	switch (pattern)  
  	case 1:
write_reg (0x500, 0x0 & 0x003c);	-- Disable BERTC0.RINV 
break;					-- Set 2E7-1 pattern
case 2:
write_reg (0x500, 0x0020 & 0x003c);--Enable BERTC0.RINV 
break;					-- Set 2E7-1 pattern
write_reg (0x508, 0xffff);		-- Set BERT Repetitive Pattern Set 
write_reg (0x50C, 0xffff);		-- in BERTBRP0-1
write_reg (0x500, 0x0010 & 0x003c);-- Disable BERTC0.RINV
   		break;					-- Set to repetitive pattern

5. Function to Set Up Loopback Mode

This example assumes that Port 0 is placed in loopback.

void loopbackSetup(int val)
	int a = 0; 
	int tmp = 0;
	tmp = val<<11;
	write_reg(0x0304, tmp); 	-- Set port and channel 0 
 	for (a = 0; a < 128; a++)	-- Set T[0]CFG[a].CNLB to place channel in 
	{	-- loopback  
write_ind_reg(0x0300, 0x0200 + a);		 

	if(val ==1)
write_reg(0x0200, 0x0008); 			-- Enable TP[0]CR.TFDA1 to allow data to 
printf("Loopup detected");			-- be transmitted normally
printf("Channel placed in loopback");	
write_reg(0x0200, 0x0000); 			-- Disable TP[0]CR.TFDA1 bit 
printf("Loopdown detected");
  	printf("Channel taken out from loopback");


This application note shows how to use the receive BERT function in the DS31256. The sample code and software algorithm illustrate how easy it is to perform FT1 loop-up or loop-down detection.

If you have further questions about our HDLC controller products, please contact the Telecommunication Applications support team.