Obsolete10 MHz to 20 GHz Portable Synthesized Signal Generator
Part Details
- Battery Operation: 4 Hours
- High Output Power: +26 dBm @ 1 GHz
- Wide Frequency Range:
10 MHz to 20 GHz - Excellent Phase Noise
Performance: -98 dBc/Hz
@ 10 kHz Offset @ 10 GHz
- Spurious Rejection:
-70 dBc @ 10 GHz - Power Resolution: 0.1 dB
- Frequency Resolution: 1 Hz
The HMC-T2220B is a battery powered, portable test equipment solution designed to fulfill your signal generation needs in the field or on the bench. The HMC-T2220B provides the highest output power, lowest harmonic levels and broadest frequency range amongst portable signal generators of its size and cost.
Internal rechargeable batteries allow for 4 hours of continuous operation, making the HMC-T2220B a portable and versatile instrument, which is particularly attractive for wireless/wired service installation, field testing or remote on-site maintenance applications. The HMC-T2220B also features USB, GPIB and Ethernet interfaces with innovative control software ensuring carefree integration within various test environments while improving overall productivity and equipment utilization.
The HMC-T2220B incorporates several product upgrades: reduced spurious, wider dynamic range, higher frequency resolution, higher RF output power, reduced RF off leakage, quieter fan operation, improved front panel knob functions for display scrolling and an added TRIGGER OUT function.
- Field Testing
- Service Installation
- ATE, Test & Measurement
- R&D Laboratories
- Efficient: 300 μs Frequency Switching
- Versatile: Higher Drive Simplifies Test Set-Ups
- Flexible: Manual or Software Control Via USB, GPIB or Ethernet
Data Sheet 1
User Guide 2
Application Note 1
This is the most up-to-date revision of the Data Sheet.