Policies and Procedures for Return of Evaluation Boards in Compliance with WEEE Directives

Procedure For Return of ADI Evaluation Boards in accordance with requirements of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment – WEEE Directive. This return procedure can be used for evaluation boards containing Pb or RoHS-compliant boards.

1. ADI customers in the EU should contact the local sales office to arrange for pick up of evaluation boards for disposal.
2. For Eval Board shipments received from a Distributor, customers should return boards to the Distributor directly.
3. Evaluation Board WEEE returns should not be mixed with returns of semiconductor components.
4. No credits or replacements will be issued.
5. ADI will advise customer of the return order number, which customer is asked to reference on the outside of shipping boxes and paperwork.
6. Information that will be required to complete the pick up:
  • Date shipment will be ready for collection.
  • Number of cartons.
  • Weight.
  • Contact person & telephone number.
7. ADI will forward customer a preprinted waybill which should be handed to the driver on collection, advising them that their local transportation depot will arrange pick up.