How to use Multi-Function GPIs?


The MAX77812 is a quad-phase, high-current, step-down (BUCK) converter for high-end gaming consoles, VR/AR headsets, DSLR cameras, drones, network switches and routers, and FPGA systems that use multicore processors. The MAX77812 has two user-programmable general-purpose inputs (GPIs) which can be configured as enable, output voltage selection, and low-power mode control input. This document provides information about using these GPIs.


The MAX77812 has two general-purpose inputs (GPI0 and GPI1) which can be configured as the enable function of regulators, output voltage selection, low-power mode control, and ‘no function’. The function of these two inputs is programmable through the I2C/SPI (GPI_FUNC register) on the fly.

Enable Control

When GPIx are configured as the output-enable function, the enable logic of a specific regulator is an ‘OR’ logic of GPIx and the corresponding enable register bit (Mx_EN). For example, the default function of GPI0 is Master 3 Enable (GPI0_FUNC[3:0] = 0011b), so that Master 3 Enable is controlled by GPI0 and the M3_EN bit. If GPI0 is set high earlier than ‘Global Enable (EN)’ input, Master 3 is enabled earlier than other master phases, as shown in Figure 1. The two GPIs can be configured as the same enable function (e.g., M2_EN = GPI0_FUNC[3:0] = GPI1_FUNC[3:0] = 0010b). In this case, those inputs are ORed with the M2_EN bit. The GLB_EN function (GPIx_FUNC[3:0] = 0000b) allows the host processor to enable all the masters in sequence based on the STUP_DLYx registers. Note that M1 through M4 are defined by the PH_CFG0, PH_CFG1, and PH_CFG2 inputs.

Timing diagram with GPI0 and EN in a 2+1+1 phase configuration.

Figure 1. Timing diagram with GPI0 and EN in a 2+1+1 phase configuration.

Voltage Selection

The MAX77812 BUCK has two additional output voltage control registers (Mx_VOUT_D[7:0] and Mx_VOUT_S[7:0]), besides Mx_VOUT[7:0]. Those two additional registers are for storing the default output voltage and the system sleep mode output voltage for a specific host processor.

When GPIx are configured as a voltage selection function, the output voltage of a specific regulator is set by Mx_VOUT_D[7:0] and Mx_VOUT_S[7:0] registers based on the GPIx logic level. For example, if the function of GPI0 is programmed as Global Voltage Selection (GPIx_FUNC[3:0] = 0101b), the output voltages of all the master phases are toggled by GPI0 based on the preset values in Mx_VOUT_D[7:0] (GPI0 = HIGH) and Mx_VOUT_S[7:0] (GPI0 = LOW) registers. In case the two GPIs are configured as the same voltage selection function, those inputs are ORed. During the output voltage transition, the ramp-up/down slew rate is controlled by the B_RU_SR[2:0] and B_RD_SR[2:0] registers.

Low-Power Mode

When GPIx are configured as a Low-Power Mode (LPM) enable function, the Low-Power Mode enable logic of a specific master phase is an ‘OR’ logic of GPIx and the corresponding enable register bit (Mx_LPM). For example, if GPI0_FUNC[3:0] = 1011b, the LPM enable of Master 1 is controlled by GPI0 and M1_LPM bit. In case the two GPIs are configured as the same LPM enable function (i.e., GPI0_FUNC[3:0] = GPI1_FUNC[3:0] = 1100b), those inputs are ORed with the M2_LPM bit. The GLB_LPM function (GPIx_FUNC[3:0] = 1010b) allows the host processor to enable Low-Power Mode for all the masters at the same time.

Table 1. GPI Function Selection Register
Type: O Reset Value: 0x43
Bit Name POR Description
7:4 GPI1_FUNC[3:0] 0100

GPI1 Function Selection

0000b: GLB_EN 1000b: M3_VSEL
0001b: M1_EN 1001b: M4_VSEL
0010b: M2_EN 1010b: GLB_LPM
0011b: M3_EN 1011b: M1_LPM
0100b: M4_EN 1100b: M2_LPM
0101b: GLB_VSEL 1101b: M3_LPM
0110b: M1_VSEL 1110b: M4_LPM
0111b: M2_VSEL 1111b: No Function
3:0 GPI0_FUNC[3:0] 0011

GPI0 Function Selection

0000b: GLB_EN 1000b: M3_VSEL
0001b: M1_EN 1001b: M4_VSEL
0010b: M2_EN 1010b: GLB_LPM
0011b: M3_EN 1011b: M1_LPM
0100b: M4_EN 1100b: M2_LPM
0101b: GLB_VSEL 1101b: M3_LPM
0110b: M1_VSEL 1110b: M4_LPM
0111b: M2_VSEL 1111b: No Function
Table 2. Multi-Function GPI Configurations
GPIx_FUNC[3:0] Function Remark
0000b GLB_EN Global Enable (Master 1 thru to Master 4)
0001b M1_EN Master 1 Enable
0010b M2_EN Master 2 Enable
0011b M3_EN Master 3 Enable
0100b M4_EN Master 4 Enable
0101b GLB_VSEL Global Voltage Selection (Master 1 thru Master 4)
0110b M1_VSEL Master 1 Voltage Selection
0111b M2_VSEL Master 2 Voltage Selection
1000b M3_VSEL Master 3 Voltage Selection
1001b M4_VSEL Master 4 Voltage Selection
1010b GLB_LPM Global Low Power Mode Select (Master 1 thru Master 4)
1011b M1_LPM Master 1 Low Power Mode Enable
1100b M2_LPM Master 2 Low Power Mode Enable
1101b M3_LPM Master 3 Low Power Mode Enable
1110b M4_LPM Master 4 Low Power Mode Enable
1111b No Function