AnalogMax-DAQ3 Solution for Rapid Prototyping


The AnalogMAX-DAQ3 high performance, scalable solution incorporates Analog Devices’ software programmable precision signal chain including power, on-board Intel® Max10 FPGA and the other peripherals (including SDRAM, FTDI, SPI Flash, EEPROM, LEDs, JTAGA, PMOD expansion, etc.) in a small form factor. This comes with intuitive data capture GUI interface and open-source HW/SW tools, which allow rapid prototyping for a variety of applications such as instrumentation, Healthcare, Industrial and Aerospace.

AnalogMax-DAQ3 Solution for Rapid Prototyping

The AnalogMAX-DAQ3 high performance, scalable solution incorporates Analog Devices’ software programmable precision signal chain including power, on-board Intel® Max10 FPGA and the other peripherals (including SDRAM, FTDI, SPI Flash, EEPROM, LEDs, JTAGA, PMOD expansion, etc.) in a small form factor. This comes with intuitive data capture GUI interface and open-source HW/SW tools, which allow rapid prototyping for a variety of applications such as instrumentation, Healthcare, Industrial and Aerospace.