
How do I manage my Circuits from the Lab?

On the 'Circuits from the Lab' tab you can add a Circuit Note, manage your Circut Note bookmarks and manage your saved search filters.

Adding a Circuit Note:

There are two ways to add a circuit note:

  1. Type a circuit note number into the search.
  2. Use the 'Find Circuit Note' link. This will bring you to the 'Find Circuits From the Lab' page where you can search, filter and save your search filters.

Removing a Circuit Note:

You can remove a circuit note by selecting the check box next to the circuit note and selecting 'Remove' to save your updates.

Manage Saved Search Filters:

You can receive an email notification for one of your Circuits from the Lab search filters. To remove a saved filter select the box next to the filter and select 'Remove' to save your updates.