

  • Input format: 32-bit floating point (range -1 to 1), little endian, non-interleaved. Input PCM has to be provided in separate buffers for each channel.
  • Number of input channels: From 2.0 to 5.1.
  • Output format: Same as input format.
  • Number of output channels: 2.
  • Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz.
  • Block Size: 512 samples per channel.
  • Release format: Object code module with C source examples Code compatible across the SHARC ADSP-214xx Processor Family.
  • Framework dependencies: None.
  • Multi-instancing: Fully re-entrant and multi-instance capable.
  • Conformance Standard: DTS Inc, Certification Version 100.30 of DTS Surround Sensation.
  • Certified Processors: ADSP-21462/5/7/9, ADSP-21471/2/5/8/9 & ADSP-21481/2/3/5/6/7/8/9.


DTS Surround Sensation for SHARC is an audio post-processing module specified by DTS Inc. for the purpose of delivering enhanced stereo experience from a multi-channel surround source. It offers virtualization algorithms for both headphones and speaker output modes. In addition to superior down-mixing functions, the technology also includes enhancement to bass as well as creating clearer dialog audio in movie soundtracks.


Each module supports the Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) Blackfin or SHARC Processor family and is a licensed product that is available in object code format. Recipients must sign or accept a license agreement with ADI prior to being shipped or downloading the modules identified in the license agreement.


MIPS summary:

 Modeing Mode
Code Memory (KiB)  Data RAM (KiB)  Constant Data Tables (KiB)  MIPS 
Average Pea
 Headphone Mode
 Speaker Mode

  • This table highlights example SHARC processors and expected MIPS performance.
  • MIPS measured using bass enhancement/voice clarity/LFE mix enabled, typical sample rate Fs=48 kHz, optimal memory layout, 5.1 channels input, with a typical buffer size of 512 samples per channel running on ADSP-21469 processor silicon revision 0.2.
  • Memory usage is for headphone virtualization mode, which can also be used for speaker virtualization mode.
  • “Data RAM” for one instance includes stack, scratch, instance, and minimum size single buffer shared for input and output.
  • 1 KiB = 1024 Bytes.
  • “Averaged Peak” is a four frame moving average of the MIPS consumed by the module.


  • Windows XP Professional SP3 (32-bit only).
  • Windows Vista Business/Enterprise/Ultimate SP2 (32-bit only). It is recommended to install the software in a non-UAC-protected location.
  • Windows 7 Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate (32 and 64-bit). It is recommended to install the software in a non-UAC-protected location.
  • Minimum of 2 GHz single core processor, 3.3 GHz dual core is recommended.
  • Minimum of 1 GB memory (RAM), 4 GB is recommended.
  • Minimum of 2 GB hard disk (HDD) space is required.
  • CrossCore® Embedded Studio for Analog Devices Processors.

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