Features and Benefits
- Proven PC Board Layout
- I²C-Compatible 2-Wire Serial Interface
- Easy-to-Use Menu-Driven Software
- Assembled and Tested
- Includes Windows 98/2000/XP-Compatible Software and Demo PC Board
- Also Evaluate MAX6885
Product Details
The MAX6884 evaluation system (EV system) consists of a MAX6884 evaluation kit (EV kit) and a Maxim CMOD232 command module. The MAX6884 EEPROM configurable, multivoltage supply supervisor monitors six voltage-detector inputs and an auxiliary input. The MAX6884 also features programmable outputs for highly configurable power-supply supervisory applications. The evaluation software runs under Windows® 98/2000/XP, providing a handy user interface to exercise the features of the MAX6884.
Order the complete EV system (MAX6884EVCMOD2) for comprehensive evaluation of the MAX6884 using a personal computer. Order the EV kit (MAX6884EVKIT) if the command module has already been purchased with a previous Maxim EV system, or for custom use in other µC-based systems.
- Multimicroprocessor/Voltage Systems
- Networking Systems
- Servers and Workstations
- Storage Equipment
- Telecommunication/Central Office Systems
- Wireless Base Stations